Wednesday, April 21, 2021

How I REALLY feel about my cousin (and her parents)

 Many people here do not believe accurate facts about me, and think I am a completely different person. It is called a grooming legend. Grooming is telling a story about someone that isn't true, in a defamatory way, and spreading that story in order to isolate them for victimization. So, I will correct one BIG fallacy - everyone thinks there is rivalry on "the other Scheibners", as they/we call themselves. Yeah, you get it right there.

My cousin is, simply, my cousin. I omit her name to show that I care about her privacy, since there is a trademark on her name. I could use it, but I won't, since others have disrespected the trademark here. No rivalry at all, not even over the incidents as a child. Even if she became angry with me, I couldn't reciprocate. I have imprinted onto her that she is like a daughter to me, meaning I don't get angry at kids. I just become very shocked and frightened when they are angry with me, in a way that I blame myself easily, and/or just get tired. That's all it usually is to be around energetic, sometimes sassy children - tiresome, but worth it. 

As for the parents, I don't hear too much about them today, but know that home is in disarray, due to anti-children's rights influence. The father is currently trying to fire a firing-squad type agency that fires you from receiving "help". There have never been search party activity there, meaning maybe the opposite, depending on what you will believe. I do not like what the parents have turned into, but it is not their fault, but the fault of an intrusive parent starting a sexual rumor. "Sexual rumor" is a rare event here in our modern-day society, but refers to a brick. The state cordoned it off, thus I am not to judge, sadly. 

I now see their house as like a war-zone, not of the parents' making. It must be very burdensome for my cousin to live there, and the state can't do anything at my flip of a switch, so there is no hope, and nothing I can do, but there is hope that the criminal narcissists who screwed them over will burn in Hell.

My cousin is the center of the controversy, and is the real victim here. I am very protective over her, so if you want to deny that she has been stalked by Blake and friends, and dishonor her story and testimony, you can go to Hell. She never hurt me, at all, and if you falsely victimize me for your own satisfaction, you will BURN! I am that angry at how she has been treated, but held my wrath until the last day. That's my main gripe with this movement - how certain members have treated HER! I will not debate my view. My position is final. She is not an abuser, and is not a pedophile. How easy it is to drop a few letters on a label for your own sexual self-interest in relation to children. Fock anti-pedophile for all this. I can't even stop it from happening!

I just made this post to clear things up. Hopefully, things will sink in for those here who are truly struggling with their grooming attitudes planted in by Blake. I'm not entirely blameless either - what I actually did could have been seen as harassment or disorderly conduct if it would have continued. Why exploit a child's testimony for sexual gain.

No, her parents are anti-spanking, with the father being a reformatory parent in that regard. I respect my aunt and uncle in that regard. So you lost your cool? Did you regret it later? I can't help you, but I hope you can get support other than THAT groove, anti-children's rights. They burned me badly - literally, you could say, neurologically.

Pro-social boycott/shun, in the anti-spanking tense, is avoiding certain people who are pro-spanking or otherwise abusive, and is commanded of me in the Bible (1 Cor. 5:11). The most severe moral legal punishment I mere out is refusing a meal from you. I don't retaliate. My cousin has enough to deal with. 

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