Thursday, April 22, 2021

Why the doctrine of original sin is compatible with gentle parenting

  Many here at gentle parenting argue against the doctrine of original sin, while believing in it nonetheless. I myself am a conservative Christian, and the core value of conservatism in America is the depraved nature of mankind. Many people in this country overlook the parents. Children's rights conservatism is about overlooking the child, and seeing the good in the child, which is plenty due to their ignorant state of right and wrong assumed due to their age. 

Parents and other adults especially are born with a depraved sin nature in relation to child. All parents, by default, are antisocial parents, with most being motivated by physical/verbal control, and some sexual control (pedophiles). All adults are capable of harm towards children, not just a few.

A parent is not a human being, but an entitled cord, and entitled due the fact that there is a thread there that can be used to control the child through controlling them with punishment, harassment, and spousification. When you identify by that cord as an excuse for abuse, you become a parent under new anti-parent/anti-spanking rules. Natural and legal parents do exist in good form, but only implied good form. 

The Greek root word translated πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektes) and refers not only to the moral crime of entitlement, but to entitlement itself, meaning a demanding, begging, and/or controlling attitude towards children. That leads to a begging and entitled attitude towards other adults. It is no wonder we live in an entitled country. 

Children are exempt from all Divine Prosecution. However, the "sin" in original sin, with a child, simply means imperfection, meaning they don't know right from wrong (thus their misbehavior defensible in court). Christ says in John 7:24 KJV:

Judge not by the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

The Greek root word translated "judge" and "judgment" is κρινο (Latin: krino) and is a "peel-back" word that legislates the entire judgment system under the Mosaic Law, by the passage stating and indicating that judgment must be proper. This includes an age of infancy, which was 12 for girls, and 13 for boys, and this was the age of majority under Jewish law. Children are capable of a lot of things, but since they do not know what they are, morally speaking, they are not responsible or culpable for anything they do, and all sin guilt falls on the parents for any major sins committed by the child. Children, in my theological view under age 18, are not fellow believers in Christ until they learn the faith, and only at their choice. This can come before or after a baptism, but a change of heart needs to occur. Most everyone here is here because of a change of heart in relation to their child. Children are not property either. They are in providing custody to parents, meaning the reverse - the parent is beholden to the child in terms of needs, especially attachment needs. They hold the status of a ward to a caregiver in the legal sense, and it is the same dynamic, in terms of it being a selfless venture. Children first, parents last. That's how it goes. I know it isn't fair, dear parents, but that's life. You take on a responsibility, and then you need to quit your whining and complaining about how that child burdens you. She's so assertive, telling her parents to "shut up". For how much you preached to that child, meaning any, I take the child's side. Entitled parents need to get a grip. Stop complaining about your child. Entitled snowflakes, getting all easily offended about your child like that. 

The depraved and entitled parents will BURN! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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