Thursday, April 22, 2021

Ah, sorry? Eh?

 Feedburner. Never heard of that until now. I thought hackers just used keystrokes. I'm not a hacker. Hacking is a violation of the laws set down by the higher powers, and since there's always a better way being on the anti-spanking side of the movement, and thus abuse being on the surface. I just use my eyes  nod to the parents in a disapproving way in the store, and hold my peace until the last day, when I speak to my mother about how I feel, or never - keeping it as a burden myself.

There's no need to hack an agency. Just write a letter to your representative, and watch it go nowhere. Then, rail on your blog against parents, who are the ones doing the deed, meaning the abusive deeds towards children. But, my pages are a gaslighting entity only in defensive mode, and only by verbal gaslighting. I know a lot about airborne gaslighting, but am not allowed to impose it on anyone, because it usually requires a rape, and I don't think rape can ever be pro-social. Other ways include verbal rape, which I am capable of - willfully and deliberately coming out in anti-spanking anger, but that anger should be used rarely, and only to showcase as a form of pro-social menace - I will do anything to rescue a child from abuse, even if I won't, because I can't, because of the circumstances involved. 

I'm just an average joe. None of this hacking crap. I'm a pro-social caseworker/judge, and thus I know how to log into the Internet, how to use a word processor, and such. That's about it. Therefore, there could be an alternate identity called "Max" that is hacking you. My last name is Scheibner, not Larson. My first name is Maxwell, and I am definitely a man. I see myself as rough and tough with the abusers and parents, but can be warm and kind to someone in need of a listening ear. Very quiet. Don't even know where an arcade would be to name it, other than Chuck E. Cheese's, and no, I don't go there, quite frankly because I lost interest - children can have their individual interests, but I'm an adult, and so I need to grow up and be the strong, sturdy, yet listening figure to them...Many people see me as a softie, but I'm not. 

Feedburner is what started with this dialogue. Another member of my family, a cousin with autism, has a feedburner. Why does he need one of those? To read books, he says. I like to keep family matters not able to be documented as a trauma away from my work, and put up a wall (for privacy's sake). I felt the need to mention this, not knowing fully what he is doing with that feedburner...I simply have multiple browsers, including one with a VPN if some here are being too nosy (and they know who they are).

No, I am prohibited by my Christian beliefs from hacking into anything without the consent of the other party. I battle in the comments, at most, most of the time, and maybe the stray report to the authorities when warranted and an option.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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