Monday, April 19, 2021

What is pro-pedophile? - Why my platform carries that banner

 The scripts have flipped, and the tides have turned. We at children's rights knew it, yet didn't yet until they heard pedophile testimony. Pro-pedophile has been established at children's rights. Pro-child/pro-pedophile. "Pro-child" means what is best for children is paramount, and we prioritized our little kiddos (some whom we also ogle) here. I ogle the little kiddos, however, and them little girls look lovely and attractive, especially since temperatures are getting warmer, and the young gals are showing what they will for honest reasons differing from my self-interest.

Pro-pedophile means "go ahead, it's okay to call yourself that. It's not a healthy way to be, but since that way of being won't change, let's take the issue head on and confront sexual thoughts directly, through self-exploration and increased self-awareness. It is gaslighting yourself in a pro-social way, focusing on one label". That's my pro-pedophile statement, and I stick by it. Pedophilia is a very wretched and wicked part of the human genome, but when one has it, you have it, and its at a level where you don't question that you have it at all. You know, because children are your only focus in life. Even if I were to stock shelves in a future job, I might be thinking about children's rights issues, and planning to write about it when I get home, meaning when I clock out...I have "moments of clarity" where I see how ridiculous it is to be attracted to children, but then I go right back to ogling them.

Pro-child means I am also anti-pedophilia, meaning it is an unhealthy thing on a purely medical level, due to the vulnerable target of its direction. That thread, by my human opinion, should not exist within the human genome. Usually, the person who has it is not a big narcissistic type, but a little guy with autism who has enough to deal with. Many pedophiles take it hard. They had parents that would have disowned them just for being pedophiles. I am very lucky that both parents of mine understand/understood.

...but the fact of the matter is that pedophilia is part of the depraved and wicked sin nature of man. No medication can take away the condition, as it has been specifically noted and recorded neurologically as a parent in the brain that is conflated with sexual aggression, with about 1-2% of adult men having the attraction. 

Pedophilia isn't going to go away. However, the person with the condition, when they take their condition head on, figure it out, and work through it, much like taking on a trauma (and it is such, meaning even spanking a pedophilic child can be sexual abuse - felt like it to me). You can take on your childhood abuse and your pedophilia in one shot - kill two birds with one therapist. Aggression towards children is a traumatic thread, and pedophilia is that thread in sexual format. We don't know why it is there, and we don't care, because it is evil, it is wicked, and it imposes harm and damages onto children. I can have a bit of fun when fantasizing, but then it's back to reality and real life. It's a work hard/play hard way of life. Work, and do what you are expected. Give to the higher powers. But, kick your socks off and lay down, and watch a bit of porno TV in your mind. It's akin to going to the bar after work - or maybe the strip club (not recommended by me, at all, literally speaking - they could be sex slaves on the side and/or underage). It has that meaning.

Pathological pedophilia is instead a choice, meaning not working on the issue, and letting all the pent up urges and frustration at the world culminate towards an abusive incident(s) towards a child. I am a healthy pedophile, meaning simply that my issues, meaning my risk to society, has been put in remission. The disorder is centered at a level where it can be brought up by interrogation by a concerned parent.

We have reached a new millennia in children's rights history. Do tell me that you are a pedophile, and I'm here to listen, and I know that no entitled child abuser ever would utter the sentence "Help, I'm a pedophile". They blame everyone else as the abuser...First we came to convict the pedophiles, and they are convicted. Now, let's use their example of healing and transformation to convict parents. Same kind of entitlement. Same extension cord, different ends.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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