Many people here wonder about how I get along with my mother, meaning worry about an adversarial relationship. I do not consider her a parent, meaning she implies herself as my mother without proudly bragging about it.
It says in Colossian 3:20 KJV:
Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord.
The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to a form of surrender coming from parental surrender to parents and their every need, with this surrender coming in the form of Christian love, meaning dutiful, selfless submission to the every need of children as their enemy, knowing nothing of a child's life whilst admitting such ignorance, expecting absolutely nothing in return for acts of good works towards the child.
I hate parents, but privately, as a Christian conservative, I keep the command to honor parents, based on their choices and not my own. My mother is the one surviving parent I have, with my father being dead of a heart attack, due to not getting to CVS in time (I often think "if he simply got there, got his medication, at the right time, he'd still be here to talk to"). My father was my main abuser, but was repentant towards the end of his life.
My mother has major depressive disorder, and was very depressed, but I brought her joy. She is not a legalistic parent at all, but is a psychology narcissist by my profiling, but the type that wants everyone to get along. Pro-social judge, with listening/fairness application is the legal quality I'd give her. I am a lot like her when applying law to the world as a Christian, meaning I try to act as a counselor to others, and if you are willing to confide, great, but now what are you going to do about it? I won't tell you what to do about an abuse problem with your child, but I'll listen. But, if you won't seek the appropriate advice and counsel that you perceive for yourself, you condemn yourself to eternal damnation for refusal to be a gentle parent, meaning entitlement leading to theft, meaning you hate your child and deserve the second death...I don't like to give direct advice, but work with people to solve a problem, since giving me total responsibility over especially a child is burdensome in a frightening way - the child is the invisible audience, and might be let down, and punishment is another way to let down a child. My mother is one to walk away from someone who is toxic and abusive, and otherwise keep her own counsel. I've learned to do the same. I may have an opinion on everyone here, but I'm not thorough. I simply observe the diversity of the children's rights community. Many few who care. Finding parents happens upon this curious browsing, with a parent being any pride in raising children that stands out as an excuse for abuse. Nope, you just remind me of my mom in a lot of ways, but my mother simply might side with more dated research. However, she takes parenting advice from her own son, so she's one of us.
I include my mother in my work, in fact, to the degree she wishes, without prodding and begging to be more inclusive, meaning she can read any post I make, anytime...I myself have a caseworker/judge profile, meaning I actually am usually calm and caring when listening to others, but sometimes I'm a confrontational therapist like Dr. Phil. He can get on your case about how your way of life is affecting others. I'm for people living their life the way they are, but when it impedes on the rights of others, like with legally excusing spanking, you have no rights, and your victims, perhaps children, do. I can be like Sarge to the parents, and that means laying into them about how they violate God's commands, and also how their way of life impedes on the emotional and possibly physical safety of their children.
I get along with her, meaning we have our moments where we don't see eye to eye, and they can be quite heated sometimes. A few days ago, I had to interrogate her for entitlement by way of derelection of parental duties, by way of self-interest, something I usually let go, but I was tired, had to sort some things out at home, yet she insisted the car be parked. She wanted to eat Arby's to a specific point, in which case I simply ordered her to put the sandwich down and put her child first, meaning I would NEVER treat a child like that. It all was resolved. Apparently, she was entitled in the moment, and I called her out on that. Entitlement refers to overall attitude towards life, and she is not entitled generally towards me, and so her change of heart was deemed located at taking me to said restaurant venue, thus no issue at all with salvation...Parents don't have the right to anything in relation to children, as children first, and parents last. Notice I didn't get was easy not to. I'm a disproportionate force gaslighter, meaning it hits you like a ton of bricks and then hopefully the abuser, in this case, listens to what you need. I only delve into this incident in detail because the police are prying into recordings in casettes and such to "look for something to get him on". How about go after someone who actively is abusing a child and can get caught. Why me? I'm an average joe, an ordinary citizen of this country. I'm not some drug pusher thug. I do pose a risk to children, as all adults do, but not to the level of creating all this. You're nuts, detectives. Stoned off your rocker. Thus whole situation is a complete farce. Get the heck out of here, cops. You do better when you arrest rapists then...and not even then.
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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization
will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.