The charges would have included attempted airborne homicide, which I ask the Oregon State Police to drop. She regrets her part in all this, and her language in some of her posts about me seemed like bracing for a catastrophe that I couldn't foresee.
She's seen enough of the inside, as what she did by aiding and abetting in a plot to kill a vulnerable member of society. You're off the hook, Robbyn, but do know what I would not have died anyway, in the case that you would have wanted that, which I can tell you had a change of heart.
She tested me by feigning a break, with me not changing anything regarding my reaction to her page. Judging by her posts, I think she has talent at this trade. She could tell that I had some sort of pedophilic condition, the way I just "got" gentle parenting. Most men of my demographic don't act that way around these issues...The real Robbyn, behind closed doors, is simply very concerned, and everybody around her seems to be telling her the wrong advice, using her vulnerable capacity to scare her into making rash decisions that fit her agenda, and the same time using confusing gaslighting to enlist me for fighting Robbyn. The abusers simply wanted a show.
She's fine at this point. You can let her out. She's got the chastening of the Lord from the police, which is good and just. I might arrange it as ransack instead for Christian purity reasons, but whatever damage impose is collateral damage for a greater good, which is protecting vulnerable traumatic pedophiles from abuse...We all want you out, and I will get you out, but I hope you understand I am not a happy camper. She could have stopped it, yes, but a gang of sexually deviant men started it. Rolling dice, and that's all we need to know about that, at least right now.
Robbyn is an intermittent abuser, meaning she might become an abuser, then be put in her sequestered pen until she can learn to behave civilly towards me. But, my responsibility is once I put her in the pen, I stay away and mind my own business, or else I end up being the abuser myself. The idea is to give the abuser a break, and then reconcile, and if this cycle happens too many times, abandon them completely. That is, with abusers on her level, and we all have an abusive nature. Abusers along the level of Blake, Jonathan, or perhaps Jared Fogle, are permanent abusers to me, like most child abusers in general (including lawful ones). Robbyn is a struggling abuser at the moment, meaning she struggles against habits to groom me, and as long as I have every reason, meaning some reason, that she is fighting against those grooming tendencies, she will simply be warned by me setting a limit or boundary. She's very help-y whereas I'm very anti-help. Help, in my Christian values, is not to be a source of pride, but a necessity in a given situation - think policing as it is, boring. redundant, and simply is there for a functional purpose. If there is no function for helping someone besides your own issues, you shouldn't be helping them.
I'm actually glad Robbyn got a full taste of the possible consequences if she keeps trying to "help" me. My abusive father was a "worry" narcissist - we call them survivors, by the way, once they see the light. Antecedents for acts of battery included fears of abduction or other type of harm by "not straying too far from the sidewalk". I was sheltered, and that was enforced by punishment. She, therefore, replicates my trauma exactly with her authoritative re-parenting ideas. She was a gentle parent to me once, and we got along fine, so why not start that back up? Once you care, I care in response. My autism is the type that mirrors your attitudes, and on the aware level. Think the confrontational therapist who shows everyone how irrational they appear, and how it isn't getting them what they want. Rational Emotive Therapy (RET), until I get you to break down and tell me what you are really up to - cracking those eggs - and then it is person-centered therapy...That's how I am. I am an equilibrium narcissist, meaning break you down to my vulnerable level, then we work out what went wrong. It is pro-social abuse, pro-social defiance - when you are abusing me with your trauma, I abuse you with mine, and try to get you to defend your trauma in just the right way, meaning the vulnerable and honest way, or by simply showing egress if deemed appropriate, with "thank you" being automatic, due to my conservative conditioning - I always say thank you. Even to children.
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