Wednesday, April 21, 2021

We are the anti-spanking weather station

We are the weather station for authoritarian anti-spankers, called anti-parent/anti-spanking. We hide on the sidelines of the niceties to parents done by my fellow advocates. We tolerate you, and want you to stay in business, BUT WE HATE YOUR CASUAL talk about lawful domestic violence. We know you mean well, and instead of censoring your speech, I leave you to do your job the way you insist.

It is an anger that appears as a blip on the surface, but goes to the anti-spanking core, where you minimize my trauma, and so I feel the need to flame throw you at the lowest level when you post about "everyday struggles" when the child is struggling to, AND YOU SHALL RESPECT THAT!

We at anti-parental entitlement go our own way, and advocate the children's rights trade as a dissenting faction. We gaslight those parents, meaning we gaslight them, meaning we gaslight them, with traumatic pedophiles with core-level anti-spanking level.

I can be very calm and sedated one moment, and angry the next. I was angry from the beginning, and that verbal outburst was bound to happen, like predestined fate. We're tired of getting so easily offended by other social justice issues. Stick to children, as the left defends everyone but children. F*ck the left, but hooray for children's rights - you can support one and oppose the other, you know. We once needed the left to protect victims of abuse, but now it is getting ridiculous. Hearing from a conservative speaker at college is not a form of "ideological abuse", and you know where millennials get their easily offended streak from - their parents were just as easily offended and triggered about their behavior.

We work together. We're here, but in a dissenting capacity, in terms of methodology to get the same ideology promoted. We think there needs to be a revolution, and for there to be world domination of children's rights. Kill the parent gooks who physically batter their children within the law...kill them with handcuffs, slamming them on the pavement, relishing in that parent blood. We love causing harm to parents that harm.

Just studying the abuse patterns. They are everywhere, yet nowhere to be in sight, because I vanish it out until evidence pops up like tall poppies.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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