Monday, April 26, 2021

Understanding my parental rights trauma

 Many people here seem not to understand my parental rights trauma. Some advocates here do have connections with the parent lobby, and I don't know how they can stand such cretins. A parental rights trauma is a bystander trauma, meaning which side do you choose. Which side do I empathize with in a power struggle? The child. Hands down. 

No parent should have rights over a child, period, without them being first earned by the child's trust. A parent is a servant of God, not a king or queen at the court bench. I hate all parents, meaning all in this country at least, because they are judge and jury over their children, and allow no advice otherwise from their children, keeping them down.

I hate and resent that children are overpowered by parents in this country. I feel like I am in place of the child, meaning the child represents my own trauma. I don't want that antimosity to even exist. I don't want to see conflict between parents and children. A "yes, dear" parent to every benign want is the best parent to have around, and I have one at home!

I am, by default, afraid of most every parent in this country from a distance, meaning in an angry, bring down way, but hold it back and presume innocence because parents are the property of the child, not me, thus I have no say unless upheared in by a child for help in dealing with their parents, and I would default to them defending to the greatest degree possible. Especially with pre-teens and teenagers, I can't be there to save them; they must save themselves. With young children, that would be different, as a 2-3 year old is basically a baby.

I hate the rights of parents, as they only have duties towards children, not rights over them like a dictator. I hate parents, period, when they identify by and defend entitlement or abuse against children, particularly pro-spanking parents.

I hate any control or manipulation in parenting, meaning any gaslighting whatsoever. You defend your parent status to my face, and I assume you mean the worst, and then press further. We all as adults failed children, so it would be no surprise that you would be an evil parent as to punish and reward a child like some lab mouse. Gentle parenting is about having parents as a best friend to talk to, and provide for you at the same time.

We don't want to give parents special rights or inherent rights, because they will misuse them, as they already do. I earn my rights around children, and don't identify by them, as that is prideful sin. I simply set an example in my work for all adults to follow in this country. If someone like me can do it, so can anybody.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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