Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The gaslighting policy of Anti-Parental Entitlement

 Many people know that I am a pedophile here, and many pedophiles, on the last day of interrogation, lashed out at the community. They were under investigation for sex crimes, usually committed as a child. I myself gaslight in terms of reverse gaslighting, meaning defensive gaslighting mostly. The doctrine is pro-social bunker/hide/defend. 

I may question someone who attacks me on another page, meaning gives a rude and offensive reply that is off topic, and/or meant to ridicule my response, perhaps bringing up a sore subject - typical troll behavior. If it is about pedophilia, I presume the best in the individual, and try to empathize with their concerns. When they clearly take my kindness for weakness, which is assumedly rare here, I lash out at them, knowing every conversation has an end, taking screenshots, and putting them on my page.

I don't expect to be gaslit all the time, meaning maybe once in a blue moon. Most people here are understanding, and most all of the abuse against me is filmed, and took place in 2017, meaning most people today are simply concern.

I do interrogate pro-spanking trolls, and with them I use academic gaslighting, in biblical format. Most pro-spanking parents call themselves Christians, but don't know their Bible enough to come to anti-spanking conclusions. It takes an advanced knowledge of the Bible to be an anti-spanking Christian.

I presume innocence in everyone, and admit privilege over everyone - I don't know everyone's life. Say a few hurtful words to me? Pffft. I can take a few hurls of anger, a few names thrown at me, here and there. However, I follow the many warnings system, and if it said behavior comes in a course of conduct, it is harassment under Pennsylvania law, and I may report it once I have enough documentation on you hung up. I rarely report others to the authorities, however, and like to solve problems through civil agreement first, meaning perhaps one member of the community submits to me blocking them. Only if they get around me blocking them, and spread rumors, do they cross into abuse territory by my perceptions, in the sense that I would wish the police involved - it would literally have to be someone stragling me, perhaps putting a little sprinkle in things, meaning posts.

Child welfare concerns are something I must submit to, and you can bring up my pedophilia on your page if you think I am a threat. I just can't. Otherwise, I follow the doctrine of pro-social sequester, meaning the knowledge I share about pedophilia stays here, and is not to be spread around the complex.

Reverse gaslighting isn't just for starting stuff with people. It is when someone is trying to start stuff with you, and you put them into their place, and into submission to your trauma. Nobody starts stuff with me tonight? Then you're good, and will be spared. I just don't want people starting stuff trying to check my nightly temperature. That is demeaning, and a nuisance. My mother is a good mother, and Robbyn should not get that involved in my personal life, and neither should anyone else.

I'm not a snowflake, and am not easily offended. Call me any name in the book, and I'll just brush it off, and maybe throw it back at you if necessary. Maybe I do get offended, but then I get right back up after the exchange is over.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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