Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Robbyn and/or others: My information should no longer be sent to restaurants or delivery people

It appears information about my condition is being spread to either restaurants where I deliver from and/or delivery people, including feigned threats on my behalf. 

Do not speak on my behalf, anymore, without contacting me on Facebook messenger for written, verifiable consent to spread information past a certain sequester area, namely my two blogs. The reason is that this is now being misused for some in here to use "parent" grooming strategies, meaning stepping in in place of my mother, who is a competent caregiver whom I will not allow you to disrespect by stepping in like this.

Many people here are, understandably, struggling to live down a lie they were told about me, and strive to learn who the real Max is. No information about my pedophilic disorder in or out of my two pages without my consent, except in the fact that YOU don't want me to post it on your page - meaning this measure will be in place even AFTER the several days of my stay in Facebook jail are up.

Many here end up in Facebook jail after overdoing it fighting the abusers, in my case the parents, meaning identified parents and not my cousin's parents. I'll survive. It's just while I'm in Facebook jail, it will be a hassle getting the word out about the rights of children.

"That means we have no reason to keep him cooped up, meaning the opposite" District Attorney John T. Adams crusades in his speech for the rights of adults. We know now that he has something to hide, like I do. This measure is in place because certain people, not necessarily you, Mr. Adams, but maybe some that slip things in your speech who oppose children having rights and attack survivors, or also survivors that simply want to step in for my mother. My mother is a good mother, and her lack of knowledge of these issues is not her making...Nobody needs to step in for me choking, by rescinding a bin of maple syrup when ordering McDonald's hotcakes. I'll just stop eating and grab a cup of water. I can care for myself. I have an IQ of 109. Someone with an IQ of 9 would not be able to move, and would not be able to post what I post, at all. IQ is a measure of brain capacity, in terms of executive functioning. It is not designed as a way to tell how helpless a person is, but simply is a number that says that they have deficits. That much is true. But, at the same time, an individual with an IQ of 9 would have severe deficits that would keep them from even writing on a blog. Usually, something like a car accident would cause that sort of low IQ. I was never in a car accident of that severity, but only survived a few fender benders. This, I think, is the excuse that most people here have, and so I request this page be readily shared in Christians Against Corporal Punishment as a whole, or else state your refusal "I don't want to disprove myself" Matthew says, and a few others there who are on my side might share instead...I myself am not a mental health professional, but have experience with mental health issues in that I have them, so I read up on more and find the subject interesting. Most pedophiles at VirPed did not have low IQs like the ones polled in forensic studies, but have genius IQs that outstrip mine instead. What is their IQ strength? Self-control. Hence why they can remain offense-free and non-abusive towards children.

At the beginning of the grooming phases for the gang, the idea was to play with the numbers. Grooming appears to be an instinct, but is so low-level that it is deliberate in nature. Grooming is plotting against a child, guided by entitlement. You can have every chance to stop what you are doing with evidence to the contrary, but the entitled perpetrators usually tune them out and get defensive when confronted with who the child really is. This is paintbrush grooming, by the way, and here was intended to avenge the same. I groom by sneaking around the parents, and seeking to befriend a child, hoping it will go somewhere that I like, and we are talking victims/targets as young as age 9, and asking them "do you want to be my friend", yearning for it to go further, and maybe a sleepover - jumping bounds, thus showing a lack of boundaries and self-control. I paint onto the child simply that she feels the same way, and that she wants to be my girlfriend. I didn't paint a whole new person onto her, but whatever she liked, I associated with her when hearing elsewhere, and kind of liked as well. I'd think of her all the doggone time, and talk of her all the doggone time, and talking with a trusted person was the only safe way out. It was like talking through a tunnel of gaslighting, but the gaslighting can be reignited, and can be directed towards the child. Pro-social fantasy also helps direct the funnel away from the child - after orgasm, everything shut off in terms of interest, meaning I was made calm. 

I'm done with everyone's crap on this issue. All I see many times is people bickering about "what's best for Max" when they could just ask Max what's best for him, and we could have a discussion. I get it, you're afraid, but I am culpable in the case I lash out at you. I am an anti-parent pedophile meaning the appearance of you being a controlling parent over me, meaning I exploit controlling parents until they have no choice but to become gentle, cooperative parents. Just ask my parents. They literally couldn't punish me, because I wouldn't care - just turn it back at them. So, give up the power struggles with me, and work with me. Every time a child protests their pro-spanking parents, that's what they are really saying, "I want to cooperate". You can't have your cake and eat it too. Work with me or you're against me from now on...I listen to vulnerability, but see control as like a T hovering over me, and I exploit it, and bring down unjust authority. That's my natural tendency, particularly false authority that has not been named. Facebook? An authority, so I begrudgingly accept being kept off Facebook until the end, and since I know I won't be dumb enough to post any pornography (my views have not changed one bit on pornography - it's wrong). Most of the pornography posts here were actually a planned way to discredit survivors as "pedantic" and "histrionic" by putting written fantasies on the Internet. That is called pro-social flypaper, and I don't use it in any sexual context whatsoever. My blog is like flypaper for pro-spanking parents, in stumble-upon format. They stumble upon a blog that blow up at them, right in their face, and then they retreat, or maybe it gets the attention of one or two to change minds, which I know it has in my family. We call it pro-social trauma, pro-social shock, due to the ultimate source of it. We add pro-social pedophiles because of the frequent use of pedophile bring-down jealousy, guided by the premise that the most abusive parents are the loudest, and that they all seem to abuse in some way, except the pedophiles, meaning the clinical ones, who seem to have it well-together yet everyone blames them. My gaslighting is anti-contact gaslighting intended to voice my conviction and convict the other parent, with my conviction being my sin guilt. The attitude is "You will not punish that child, just like I will not punish that child with my pedophilic tendencies regardless". I choose not to harm your child, so you should follow in my footsteps as an extension of Christ, and sacrifice like I do, because it is the right thing to do. Then the trees just tumble down. This page is not intended as harassment, given its extreme nature sometime, as readers can click off anytime they need a break from it, and I have no control over that (my theology is anti-control, but if you don't get that, you are entitled yourself, because my pro-social abuse anger says "get out" to solicitors selling their anti-children's rights wares).

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

Crying: Why children crying is not bad behavior

Many parents have had to deal with it. A child is crying. Most parents assume that the child is trying to "undermine" them. Howeve...