I am throwing a pro-social temper tantrum because Robbyn keeping the maple syrup away from my palate...and everything else leading up to that, taking the route of pro-social entitlement with this sick individual.
...At least for now. She needs to understand that I am an entity separate from her. She is demonstrating her trauma onto me, only she can do so in the comments here, in an ambush, if she feels that I would disrespect her trauma. Go ahead, send it, and watch it get approved.
I am entitled to some things. When I pay for a McDonald's tray with my own money, which I am grateful to the government for, I expect certain things, and when they are not there, I expect a non-grooming reason there, and not an airborne fist-to-cuff in word format behind the scenes, behind the computer screen.
That is why I stated the boundary in the previous post. Hearing affect. "Stop hurting me by not letting me hurt you" - her exact words.
Yes, getting what you paid for is pro-social entitlement. Lack of maple syrup the first day? No biggie, someone just forgot it. Second day, and someone is taking it away due to information irrelevant for a McDonald's location - misused medical information? Pro-social entitlement, because the person meddling is the one who is entitled, and so I do my best not to meddle in her affairs or anyone elses.
Now another EEG, another day, whatever. Now we know Robbyn and Nadine are committing abuse in the modern context, not simply in 2017, as perceived by me, as abuse is always what the victim perceives. "We're not going to meddle anymore" I don't believe you, so this goes up. "Names smeared..." Robbyn said.
This isn't about just the maple syrup, but ALL of her meddling leading up until this point. Don't tread on me, and stay out of my life. "We are taking over some lines from Blake". If you side with your abuser there, I can't help you. I just feel that tug on my heart...know it will go nowhere in the long run, because EEGs cannot kill unless you give the consent that I don't give, and won't ever.
I'm just done with you, Robbyn, so stop being my mother. I singled out one single incident, very minute to remember, that tells all about your entitled "worries". A freaking maple syrup package? Ridiculous. Get a life other than over-mothering distant pedophiles like me with aloof characteristics. The burden of entitlement falls on the person meddling, not the person whom meddling imposed on him/her. But no, not even close to jumping ship, as my advocacy isn't really about me.
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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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