Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Regarding the adjacent Facebook page

 The police have it "predestined" for my Facebook page for this blog to go down. "Built on false pretenses" means pornography posted, while switching the location of the post, meaning posts on Blogger count as Facebook posts, and taint the page. In the old days, they just had you go down and delete the posts that were pornography. Now, the police work with Facebook to zap the page out of existence.

Just won't post anything pornographic. If you believe something I write is that pornographic, I want to know if you perceive fornication from what I write, because fornicators burn. Some people also have hacked in, and changed a post about "How I really feel about Nadine Block" and defending her, with a sexually violent post about my cousin. We all know who did it, and so does she...Yes, we do get the occasional hack here. If it sounds like a peacekeeper, and uses peacekeeper innuendo, it isn't from me. I am not a textual peacekeeper. Writing about certain topics does peek my interest, but I have complete control over the cursor.

Usually, there is pornography posted, and the intent of that is to flip off the police and survivors. I don't see how that sort of filth would serve that purpose. If you have a problem with someone, use the proper channels and let someone else know.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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