No, I got over that meddling incident where you attacked me in airborne form. I'm still wondering, why remove maple syrup? "I just wanted to control your life like my father controlled mine" And how did he control your life (we'll see if this works) "He was big, and he hurt my...[sexual abuse]" Yes, which you are not doing at the end. However, molestation can also refer to a form of sexual harassment where the abuser is rough with the victim, think a man roughing up a female, throwing her about, and laughing in the process - peacekeeping behavior. If this happened to you, I would never defend it, so why so harsh?
Just tell me what happened, and I must believe you on religious grounds, unless I have clear evidence that you are making it up, which never happens unless the person wants money or fame that they'll never get. You just want to educate people, and in that role I can believe anything, because ALL adults hate children in some way, it seems. Adults suck in this country.
See, that wasn't that hard. I might feign a molester when others use pro-social abuse to me, but it would be a selfless molester that would drive you out like a broom. I do not care to be abused by anyone like you were, and I'll leave your inbox alone because I don't want to be as evil as you are, taking the high road.
"I just want him to leave me alone" You came here, and arched over me to speak to Grubhub drivers, and then cry the victim when I call it out. When you go TO the individual, YOU are the abuser. If you try to restrict them, YOU are the abuser. Doesn't matter what class or strata any party is in. My anger was to make my temporary trauma known, and to coax egress through pro-social verbal abuse. It's basically a stophand that the abuser runs into and starts spewing abuser facts about themselves, through their own example.
I want nothing to do with her page, in terms of pedophilia. I reassured her many, many times, and she kept going to those anti-children's rights people. If you're not going to listen to polite advice that you are consorting with the enemy, goodbye, nice knowing you while the friendship lasted. If you like me being gone and not harassing your page, know that was the plan from the very beginning. I don't gaslight survivors unless they gaslight first, and the idea is to coax egress in a cornered state, meaning in real life, I'd get a reaction of you for live TV, possibly warn of the conversation end beforehand, and then post it - if you truly felt endangered, you would stay away. I am aware that you are attracted to your triggers, but I don't like that you have that problem, at all. Don't follow those vibes, as they don't work and lead to trouble. Deny your urge to seek out triggers...All I am saying now is that this page is a dormant pedophile. Can't help you otherwise, Robbyn. You'll have to figure this out on your own, or ask people here what they think I'll do.
Don't have that trauma, meaning it shouldn't have been inflicted, and now it is causing trouble. I have a parent victimization trauma, and when you act like an abusive parent like that, meaning model control at all, you make me jump, meaning it is an antisocial trigger - one to avoid. You set forward your choice to ban me, and I accept it, and don't expect to be allowed under my current page - if it even survives.
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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization
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