This is sexual abuse of a pedophile, making him post pornography in order to get back on Facebook. I will not violate my religious beliefs to not harm or abuse a child by depicting them in a graven manner. You shall not use me as a sex slave, or you shall be damned.
I have found out, or so I ascribe until further knowledge, that the police are expecting one "pornographic tape" and so I refuse. "They usually show their belly button or something" You pervert, we know what you are thinking, and now we are calling you out on it. Many more severe autistics actually showed videos of their penis to the whole group, or so the stereotype goes. Nope, it was more one woman getting a "dick pic" in her inbox (think Anthony Weiner, from a few years ago). Those with more profound forms of autism were instead verbose in a celebratory way, once it "came out of the box" so to speak, and then got collectively banned for repeatedly proselytizing pedophilia as a "good thing"...Fantasy feels good, but that doesn't mean sex with children is, in fact, a good thing.
Note that I might be bouncing back up, and being made more aware. This is how a victim "wokes up", and a sign that the report was false in terms of legal facts. A narcissist would become increasingly angry, and would cease being able to explain themselves...and their posts would be in ALL CAPS or all lower case, and read like an ancient document. They also use a lot of fighting words, namely slurs towards specific advocates (whereas all parents are entitled specks and spoogs, at some level). They didn't do universal pro-social prejudice like I do, but zeroed in on an advocate, and victimized themselves in a selfish way of "nobody will ever call me that, you hear me? I'm not...would never...yadda yadda" which I avoided. It is not a sin to stand up for yourself, but follow court procedures of selflessness or humility, or you'll get kicked right out of here. I am not pro-narcissist in the slightest. Nor everyone with NPD is a bad person, but if you refuse to get help, you are not mentally ill to me anymore, and you are a thug or criminal, and should be interrogated as such. If you aren't willing to help yourself, I can't help you - and there is always that self-help component, even if it is just accepting help.
I share profiling facts because a group of grooming narcissists want my page to turn out a narcissist, thus it has to be taken down, and they are confident, either by bravo (in the case of certain police) or receiving conflicting reports (in the case of Facebook staff). The police have hacked into my page, which they can do, in fact, even if they can't, because they had court permission to hack, which is a thing. My page is hacked, and I've tried changing the name, and it wouldn't work, and I've tried deleting unused spare accounts, and the setting was taken away. I ask that, since the investigation is over, they unhook from my Facebook account and allow the good Facebook monitors to do their job. This is now on live TV, Mr. Greensbruck and Mr. Lefkowitz. You are being turned in to the Lehigh County Police Department, the big leagues.
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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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