Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Parental rights trauma: Why even a "benign" ideology like this can be harmful

 Many people don't seem to care about the existence of parental rights. I don't care either, in another way - it doesn't exist. I don't believe parents have rights inherent of having a glorified title, and brandishing it all around town like a plackard of gold.

Why even call something parental rights? Do it is disciplinary rights? Say that, and don't believe it, because even those don't exist except by worldly forces. Custody rights? Why not just say "custody rights"? It is the deepest trauma out there, and I have centered it in children's rights format.

I was a prisoner of the parental rights regime growing up. A ledge over me, with parents high atop, and you kept down from speaking your peace based on matters concerning you. You were excluded from society, in a way that you wanted your voice included. The abuser acronyms mainly are antisocial "exclude"/"punish".

No matter what I did as a child, I was punished for being a child. So I was headstrong about bicycle safety? That's normal for a kid like me to be headstrong, so I was punished for the headstrong attitudes, thus punished for being a child. That's all most adults are really mad at, even if they say otherwise - they are a child, and they act as such, and I hate it, and I hate them, so I punish them to express my hatred of them, then calling it "love". I didn't feel "loved" then.

Nope, don't censor your words. Show me exactly what you are as a parent, so I can frame you for anything I find offensive, which your child would find offensive, meaning exactly both to be a credible judgment. I judge alongside your child, not on their behalf, looking for your child's judgment to concur, or else throw out mine. It is living an investigatory life, while at the same time letting most everything go to God, simply pointing things out to Him in your judgments that need pointed out.

Parental rights means children will never have rights, that only parents have them, with children - my best friends - being the property of parents, instead of their best friends as well. Yes, I often do attach a meaning onto a child when they are being punished - me, as a child, in the same position.

I don't know any parents, except my own. I shove them all out when they identify. My mother may briefly identify due to a disagreement, meaning she never has, due to the linear delineation of parent identification - once you're cured of the habit, you're cured, and you are no longer a parent that stands out.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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