Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Dress codes in our public schools: Why they need to be abolished

 I was a weird kid. I liked wearing the school garb here in Reading schools for grades 1-8. I was proud of keeping that rule, even if I broke others, and made me feel like I was a "good" kid even as I struggled with misbehaviors in other areas of school life. I, however, was against the dress code that I followed. Dress codes are often more often enforced on girls, as a form of antisocial "chastity". 

I myself am a Christian purity parent in parallel symbolic format, meaning I am a puritan about sexual mores, and am a reactionary conservative that supports no sex outside of marriage. However, I police other adults, namely other men, on the issue of sexual purity and abstinence. As for kids? They just want to have fun, so let them.

Many girls in particular are targets of adult sexual entitlement by school principals, who pick apart their choice of dress. In some states, and in some districts, they may be victimized by lawful physical abuse by the school principal, as well as private school administration in every state but Iowa and New Jersey.

The Greek root word denoting all entitlement, including adult sexual entitlement, is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to wanting sexual favors and contact from a child to the point of seeking to impose said items onto a child, leading to theft/abuse perceived by said child victim, either by fear/discomfort, or inappropriate reciprocation. In this case, it is falsely victimizing oneself, as an adult, by a child's choice of dress.

A child does not dress in order to harm others, and also is exempt from Divine Prosecution in the very rare case that they would. They are not "endangering themselves", but dressing as they wish. I do see many 8-9 year-old girls dress in a certain showy way. Why do they? They want to look pretty, but that's it. Projecting or ascribing any other intentions onto a child is sexual entitlement in and of itself, and when the child is offended by any punishments, perhaps from a school principal or administrator, sexual abuse.

It is none of my business what a young girl chooses to wear. She could just wear a hoodie in summer, and I am not to judge, because she may feel a very unfortunate reason behind that choice of garb. If they are choosing to dress in a showy manner, I just enjoy the view. They don't even seem to mind my view, most of the time (I just glance fairly quickly). Some girls do complain to parents about "everyone looking at me", whereas most instinctively dress that way at a certain age due to childhood sexual development. Once you know this, as an adult, you don't feel icky or grimey about such attractions, and that actually leads to a less entitled, briefer gaze. We must be honest with ourselves, and with those who help struggle parents/caregivers/educators center those emotions that occur in many, but not all, adults, especially men. It shouldn't be such a taboo thing to talk about, as long as it does not promote sexual relationships with children.

The depraved and decadent, defiled fornicators and sexually entitled adults will BURN! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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