Monday, April 19, 2021

How many pro-spanking pedophiles exist at VirPed?

Those at VirPed are worried about me having the capacity to "out" them. I am an anti-spanking vigilante, and we work on the surface, counting the dead. Tedious, boring, depressing work. Your blog is only voice of hope. I only can receive information about pedophiles through airborne means, through two tapes. Both founders gave me their information.

I am not worried about Nick Devin, but someone else here can be worried about him, as she has the right to her feelings, as long as she does not impose them on men by acting like her abuser and not like the victim of abuse that she is. Ethan Edwards is someone I might suspect of being a victimizing narcissist. Most pedophiles are not that way.

The main reason I would take action on a member of VirPed is the spanking issue, as some pedophiles do spank. I would gauge my means of interrogation to the board rules to presume innocence, which clearly support my judgment standard, only I judge in increments based on my ability to know you aren't damaging a child, meaning abusing them. 

All members in a given thread are innocent until proven guilty, beyond a reasonable doubt, until they admit to a form of abuse of any kind against a child, in which case, I voice a respectful yet factual disagreement, and judging from their replies, I'd decide whether they were entitled or not, and if they were entitled, rack up all the counts, and use it as an excuse to disappear from their presence, to the best of my ability, usually by putting said offender on the foes' list. If I am able to message them, I may blast their inbox...Policing of the parents should be adaptable to the region or zone or climate of the perpetrator, and to the mental health issues of the perpetrator. Most pedophilic parents who spank, yes the male ones, are rather conflicted at the lowest level, yet are convicted nonetheless. Their excuse is "tell me one good reason why I shouldn't". Pedophile parents, meaning in the clinical tense, can easily be won over. They seem to be suburbanites, in pro-social stereotype, much like we can be profiled...Anti-spanking isn't necessarily a pedophile's game, but pedophiles agree with it in most cases, and can fear it as a "tempting" topic if they are ideologically against spanking.

As a righteous judge and vigilante, I judge your ideological stances on spanking, and the evidence you give supporting your stance, in ramp format, all the while having all the facts to shut you down, meaning you can't even argue with them, to the point where you'll admit it then grunt like the entitled speck and spoog that you are (nope, no name calling at VirPed - against board rules)...I love to shut down the pro-spanking parents with my religious beliefs. All they have is attacks at who studied it, forgetting which Hebraic sources he cited - and remember, the age of consent did exist then. We're anti-contact, right? I see such parents as under me, and am glad they are less numerous at VirPed by far than any other online forum, where it is only one or two anti-spankers, and the rest roasting them...Come to my page anytime, and I'll shut you down, and put you down, and send you to Hell. I have not heard one credible biblical argument in favor of spanking, as I've studied the context - I laugh at pro-spanking arguments. They are such entitled snowflakes. 

Pedophiles tend to be supporters of youth rights, even if they are conservative. Youth rights is a form of children's rights that focuses on equality between the age brackets, meaning advocacy for such to the degree that is possible, speculating what is possible in relation to a child's physical and mental maturity and their relevance to civil liberties. I am an advocate that focuses on the civil liberties of children, with "children" referring to individuals under age 18. 

VirPed seems to not be a good place to spot and document parents. "The chats" seem to be a great place to spot and document permissive parents, yet not good due to the mechanisms they use to hide. Out in the field, in the supermarket, in public venues, is where to judge, and accept helplessness over a dire situation and national emergency. Pro-social fly, pro-social wallpaper, antisocial "parents" - bring the parent out of the parent, and shut down their false doctrine. Shut down the parents, shut down the parents, shut down the parents, for YOU SHALL OBEY CHILDREN'S RIGHTS. "The parents" means all of them parading and brandishing that glorified label, like a military parade for the pro-parent dictatorship over children. Overthrow, overthrow, overthrow parents, and turn the tables on the parents. Pro-social swatch, and children are the boss of their needs...Yes, this is how we do things here at anti-spanking here at children's rights. We attract the parents to us, like a fly to honey, and then we shut them, and shatter all their pro-spanking delusions, then chasing over there. Space is shrinking over there, with more parents educating themselves, so shut up and get with the program, for We are pedophiles, and We are traumatic pedophiles, and We will never abuse that child of yours like you do, and we relish in your prideful and entitled reaction. So you're afraid of me? I don't care, because I have nothing to hide, so I have nothing to worry about, so hate me, dear parents. I welcome hatred from all of pro-spanking America. Pro-social notoriety, pro-social fanfare. We want the abusers to hate us so we can control them by their consent. We enjoy being hated for being a pedophile for being an anti-spanking for both for both, so hate me, hate me, hate me so I know you are awake. We hate you nonetheless...And if I abused children the way I might, throw me to the judge. Why do you defend yourself, dear parent? You have no right to defend yourself. Your child has every right to defend herself however she likes.

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