Monday, April 19, 2021

Attn: Jordan Asaf

 I think I know you from somewhere else. Please do not comment on my page anymore, thank you very much. I wrote a post with my religious beliefs stating why I wouldn't commit fornication by sexually harassing survivors.

From this point on, if you comment on my page, it will be unwelcome, and it will be seen as harassment in the form of religious abuse. I should have taken pictures of those images, meaning text, meaning comments...I think you mean well, and are simply worried, but any time you make a comment on my page, that actually counts against me. Facebook wants no new comments from anyone here, at least until the end, when they anticipate pornography for survivors to decry. 

They have been sh*t on enough times like that. I'll show some decency, and actually engage with real issues when interrogating a defendant. You don't post pornography unless you are looking for a specific outcome - what you want to hear if you are a drug pushing, trauma hating bastard.

I'm not attracted to boys, by the way, and all I know about this individual is that they are a youth rights conservative. You probably think like me, but regret it. You pass.

I don't know what to tell you beyond this point, meaning I can help you except maybe wait it out. I don't need any "advice" to obey my own religious beliefs. Some of the pedophile advocates the movement kicked out were framed and groomed, but we had some that did not belong here at all - if you know what pillaging is in the modern context, you'd understand the fear many women here have. Anxiety is an emotion that can distort reality, and at the lowest level, someone can gaslight you into believing anything when you are already scared. I have generalized anxiety disorder, and I would think that when my mom came home like 30 minutes late that she died in some car accident, or someone walked in and shot her, and then I'd be destitute. Fear alone is not a good guide. Trauma from childhood abuse can help you empathize with oppressed and abused children, but even then, you need a framework of facts so you don't accuse literally everyone of being your abuser.

Generally, young men get up on their prop and gaslight the movement when they hate it. I love it at every level, in a patriotic way. It's not perfect, by any means, but it's what we got in this country for the children. The children are the true constituency here, and I answer to them directly, meaning also children I have victimized by way of sexual harassment. I also answer to concerned adults, but mostly to children. They would surely find any sexualizing or objectifying description of them to be debasing and hateful on a sexual level, and that perception outstrips any adults by my viewpoint.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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