Expulsion from the children's rights community is a serious issue, and something we do rarely here, and not only for pedophiles. There are mechanisms to expel parents as well, once they identify themselves. It usually only means something with pedophiles, due to a police investigation.
What would it look like on my page if I was unwelcome? There are many warnings, meaning reports to Facebook but also comments voicing survivor anger at certain posts depicting children in an unlawful and disrespectful way. The idea would be interventions, meaning there must be some need they are "advocating for" by posting such filth, with questioning being of a prying nature. Expulsion comes at a time when we decide we can no longer help them, so we turn them over to anti-children's rights. The assault involves bombarding a page with comments as a team, in a way that an "innocent person would ignore", or so we thought. I myself might get a bunch of attackers, in which case my plan is to ignore.
I think all this interventionism is total crap. A pedophile is not a special being, meaning when they post pornography like that, they are doing so at knifepoint by the other side, or else avenging their own personal anger at the movement. This is an anti-children's rights gaslighting strategy, and they conflate instructions with your narcissist in a way that, if you were a peacekeeper, you would hear clearly, and if you were a victim, you wouldn't hear at all, and only hear the surface layers of the tape. I got a lot of informational tapes in my feed, preparing me for advancing as an advocate, with the predestined feeling that I was going to stay. That's what a pedophile victim cares about - stay or leave, and also "not letting down fellow survivors". There were prompts to take my own life, which I militantly refused, because murder is a form of theft, meaning damages, meaning it would damage the whole community. The community is put in a difficult position after that, with many people being angry for them "killing a kid" and then looking like a group of victims with foaming mouths to the world for saying the other side led them astray.
What should we do with pedophiles here? They are on their own, unless they ask for help. The precedent is that a pedophile is capable of avoiding posting pornography on the last day - I can see everything as clear as day, sand have, at times, low sex drive. The tape is conflated with my parent, meaning I am being interrogated for being a parent, by my standard, and I was, in a way that was illegal and could be punished if I did not listen to my cousin when she said "stop!". It was antisocial "rough-play", and I believe in prosecuting even cases like these when the victim wishes for it to be done...Just kick the pedophiles out, right away. Don't intervene. If they do something wrong, rebuke collectively and demand an apology, using clear legal English, sounding like the code of town ordinances, but in a crystal clear way that spells out a boundary violation, that cannot be denied. If they defend themselves, kick them out immediately. If they deny it, ask for evidence as to why the plaintiff is lying, assuming that no victim would lie (in the case that there is a specific victim), and if the victim is lying, and they refuse to acknowledge it, kick them out for perjury regardless of their being a non-pedophile. Do this not only for pedophiles, but all antisocial parents. Remove all defensive "gentle" parents who defend certain punitive tactics as "gentle" due to their severity, meaning lack thereof. Defending child sexual abuse is a refusal to be a gentle parent, which is a requirement of all members of this community, so equal responsibilities.
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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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