Amy White was right - just a convicted adult. This is a youth rights page, but only in implied format, meaning I am basically announcing my admission of privilege, power, and control over children and ovethrowing my own authority over them.
"Being the adult" does not give me the right to hurt a child, and medical labels are not an excuse either (I am a clinical pedophile). I am not "the adult" but merely an adult concerned about children. I might imply even that label when interacting with children.
I am largely in favor of youth rights, and support lowering the voting age to zero - we don't need the government telling children and their parents when they are "competent" enough to vote. Many adults who are truly in favor of youth rights support the concept of adult guilt - that's what you are reacting too in my posts, and a heavy dose of it.
It doesn't matter what is good for me emotionally, as I am not the only person on this planet. Children exist, too.
I never made a request to get out of children's rights. That request was made on my behalf, without my knowledge, by a gang of (known) child predators, one of whom a family member - Donald MacCarthy - contacted the police about "possible children's rights abuse" alongside Focus on the Family. So, I blame them, because they are the source of the rumor. There was another guy who blacked out his name completely, from Tennessee, who wants to go by the nickname "arm and hammer"...Children's rights trauma is a real thing, and you can tell because they tend to believe everything we believe, but don't give the movement credit. I am all for the movement, whereas an actual children's rights traumatic would be begging to leave, whereas I might be begging to stay at some level. I am, in fact, and trying my best to earn my way here.
What is also a shame is that anti-CR just lost all credibility for those who they do actually have to serve. They are narcissists, and are very different than me. They have trouble with anger, whereas all strong anger in my life is planned and serves as venting pent up frustration. I do notice that I have the children's rights conditioning, and I like having it. It is nice to shut up and enjoy the quiet, and then talk only when relevant. I am more shy now, in a way that I listen to what others have to say in a family gathering. Someone with actual children's rights trauma would not report what I report...Anti-children's rights is usually the devil you have to deal with, but now they are acting like the devil, period. Why? A certain gang of individuals wants to swing me out out of false "concern". The beliefs don't hurt me - it was what I believed for a long time.
Why would someone with my issues believe in children's rights? Not all individuals with autism suffer from empathy deficits, and the other half of the autism population has too much empathic perception, and can't process it all. Pedophilia, in such a case, is empathic perception directed towards children, conflated with sexuality. We don't know what evolutionary purpose it serves, and we don't want to know, because this nation's founding values strongly encourage denial of one's wicked nature, including denial of the drive to sexually abuse a child, at least at the level that avoids abuse...A narcissistic individual might find our values abusive because, for the individual, they care about other people in a very rigid, centered way for the individual. Many survivors once had an anger problem, especially towards their children, before coming here and straightening up, all by delving into a resource bin of ideas to center oneself in relation to their children. I do so in relation to all children, in the same way.
I may make a whole bunch of condemnation statements about "every single adult, by default" but, in real life conversation, that comes out as "no adult truly can say that they mean well around children". There are different strengths of saying that. I'm writing to entitled parents who punish their children, and they need a good thorn in their side to get them to stop spanking. Most people will simply ignore me, but we are hoping for that one to change, and many have in my family, or have been forced to reconsider, at least (even if they went right back to those toxic beliefs).
I have escaped the grasp of parental rights. It is an ideology that creeps down on you, and keeps you down and shut up like a compress. I wanted a selfless parent, so now I am one towards children, to the core. Limiting and centering myself is liberating! I will not give that up because that is neurologically impossible. I believe what I believe at every level.
I'm quite frankly sick and tired of people speaking on my behalf. Autism rights was only supposed to be about self-advocacy, not a group of people that want to normalize autism. The concept that certain autistics cannot defend themselves, therefore, defeats the purpose. *I* can speak for myself, and could as a child as well - I even referred to myself as "child". It is about time others shut up and let ME speak. I have been patient throughout this nonsense, but it is time to lay the law down, and get anti-children rights out of this mess. I speak for myself, anti-children's rights, and all others heeding to their filth of ideology in any way, and you shall hear out my say. All of you on my team. Other than myself, I trust my doctors the best, factually speaking. They know quite a bit about me, and didn't lie or falsify any records. Mentioning a pedophile is not exactly what I wanted - I wanted it named specifically as a diagnosis - but they said they'd only do it if they had to, such as if I was making entitled or graven threats on a specific child, and only for when I leave prison, and am in court-mandated treatment, if I ever did that. They don't think I will, as far as I know, unless the anti-CR monster got to them. I don't have an adversarial relationship with my clinicians in the slightest.
I intentionally let people walk all over me, until I've had enough, and then I call them out for who and what they are, then setting them straight that the gravy train is over, meaning you cannot count on my silence to speak over me. It is not good to demand your rights all the time. Only once and a while, when it really matters, and shocks your audience. Nope, no F-bombs or other bombs in the text. No profanity. This is how I feel in the moment, for real. Things are getting ridiculous, so knock it off, and quit mixing your needs with mine. Sadly, the anti-CR setup allows for that with any tested victim.
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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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