Saturday, April 3, 2021

Children first, parents last: understanding lawful and binding orders in Christian gentle parenting

Many parents in this country put themselves ahead of their children, through entitlement or abuse of children. Most parents, namely 94% of parents use physical force of some sort as a form of domestic violence directed against children. In a parent-child relationship, the child has more rights, and the parent more responsibilities. Children first, parents last.

It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "parent" is γονεύς (Latin: goneus) and refers to a selfless servant and guide for children, but in a way that empowered the children to point out what they need, based on their age and developmental level. That's all a parent is. A selfless servant and tourguide for children. They are not royalty. As an adult to children, I am to be ashamed of my status, in a way that prompts me to work on improving as an adult, with input primarily from the child herself. Few adults are like me today, but most were like that in biblical times. The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to surrender coming from surrender to parents - earned cooperation and collaboration. Cooperation in parenting is earned in life, for the parent. If you treat your child with disrespect, expect disrespect in return. Parenting in biblical times, in ancient Jewish culture, was attachment-based. Think papoose bag. Think children on back, aged as old as 4, going to market. That was the culture then. Corporal punishment was a rare legal event for those who were sentenced as guilty of capital offenses. Offending a parent technically was illegal, but was a "blue law" of sorts that parents never utilized - because THAT would dishonor, with the logic of "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree".

The route of legal discourse in between child and parent is unequal, with your rights under biblical law limited. Children can issue lawful and binding orders, such as to advocate for their needs, with their needs then be God's Law, and parents are commanded to heed said need or atone otherwise. Parents can issue legal orders as well, but they are not binding, due to the fact that children are exempt from moral charges, due to their immature development and child status. A child issues a lawful mandate, and the parent has to shut it down, but must provide a reasonable alternative, as determined by the child. Shutting down conversation, and taking a commandeering and domineering attitude towards the child, is abuse when perceived by the child, which is always for the parents' sake. A child can ask "can we go drive around the countryside" in the middle of a snowstorm. Most parents simply say "no" like the child is some dog or something. Instead say. "I can tell you want to spend time with me. Do you want to play in the snow instead?". The child may agree, or may elect to eating a cup of soup instead because they want autonomy to that degree.

If a child says "I fucking hate your guts", I'd ask "Why so upset?" in which case she'd surely have a good reason, I am envisioning a young girl that is strong-willed, and knows what she wants and how to advocate for herself, and point a self-protective finger at me. I just lay my head low, with hands behind my back, ashamed of my existence by her line of sight towards me. Veers from her eyes keeping me in my place. This is the level of respect for children I hope ALL adults have for children. It's called pro-social guilty conscience - know that they could hate you if you gave them reason, but be a gentleman so they don't hate you.

Some children are non-verbal by way of age or development, such as an infant or a child with severe with autism, in which non-verbal cues are lawful commands issued by the child, as lawful and binding orders spake from God, figuratively speaking. Young children in particular issue non-verbal legal commands meant to convict and strike the terror and wrath of God into entitled, unworthy parents. Parents like me in relation to children. We hate our decadent and sexually entitled nature in relation to the child, enough to lawfully imprison and constrain it at all time, at every time, no matter what. I am unworthy of the respect of any child, and am grateful humbly and shamefully for any child's respect.

Let the depraved and entitled parents/adults BURN! Let them suffer the second death! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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