Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Apologies to an acquaintance in Iceland

 I made some remarks over the visaphone, meaning airborne listening on my cell phone, about a child self-advocate in the children's rights community in Iceland. I felt a tendency to try and search her out, ask around, and like her page, and stop at that. I respect her work, and the fact that she is still chronologically a child, yet can advocate on behalf of child peers.

I wish I had that opportunity. Adults suck here in the United States. I am aware of the term "pederasty" and the fact that Iceland does allow sex with older teenage girls, as do most countries around the world. I don't think this is proper, in fact. They are still under the age of majority, thus there is always a power of attorney involved, and it is never a good idea to have sex with someone who has power of attorney over you, because, quite frankly, they can screw you over.

They instead call it "terrorism", meaning the perpetrators hate the parents, yet have one thing on their mind about the teenage girl - yep, sex. The mindset is different from my interventionist standpoint, where they want to "mess things up" and "rock the cradle". I want to go into an already chaotic situation and set the law straight, which can be a common motive for abuse here in the United States where there is parent jealousy of a "want" type, whereas I have "bring down" parent jealousy. The "law of Jante" and you know what kind of resentment I hold of parents...You think you are all that just for popping a baby out, and deserve the world's honor just for that? Get down off your high horse, dear parents here in America. Hence why I respect Iceland on this issue. Very few Westernized countries see parenting like we do, with most either seeing parents as equals to children, or above children in a protective, meaning otherwise non-violent way. I go by the understanding of parenting in the biblical context, meaning being a servant of needs to the the child, such as food, water, shelter, transportation, and attachment, but especially the last one. I would actually seek that sort of gentle parenting friendship with a child, perhaps at a distance, perhaps an online distance, because now I have learned the boundaries, and nonetheless encourage children to set boundaries with me. Don't listen to your trauma counselor - listen to me, thus listening to yourself and your own instincts around me, if only because that's what I want. If something doesn't feel right, say it, to someone...This self-advocate just self-advocated, and that is something I respect in a child, and that's what I want to see in children. They aren't allowed to be that smart in the United States, even though kids are everywhere. Shove them in the mushroom houses, and feed them only horse manure...that's the prevalent attitude here. 

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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