Thursday, April 22, 2021

Pro-social disappearance, with stonewall effect - punishing the parents

 Children's rights disappears. Children's rights shuns. Children's rights administers tyranny to abusers. Watch us traumatize the entitled spoog and speck.

Many people think spanking is legal in the United States. Depends whose law you go by, and whether you side with God or Caesar. It is illegal under Divine Codified Jurisprudence. Know that I expect perfection out of all parents everywhere, since mine weren't and I resent that and don't care. A parent is to be perfect, but since she cannot be in this world, she shall seek perfection in an Otherworldly Place, where the few saints will persevere.

It says in 1 Corinthians 5:11 KJV:

But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.

"with such an one no not to eat" refers figuratively to the penalties imposed by Christian parishioners in the 1st Century, which involved sensory gaslighting. Abusers and other sinners do not exist to me, and when they do, I discredit their existence with my omission from their life, thus from my life. I shun parents, meaning those who defend their entitlement in terms of child abuse.

How do I apply this, by default, on child abuse issues. I am not of this world, but am of the next. I am a silent witness to Divine Court of Law, discerning between the sheep and the goats, presuming innocence in all persons, beyond a reasonable doubt, seeing beneath the surface "beyond what the eye can see". The idea is that oftentimes the truth exists beneath the surface of a suspect/defendant, but, on the other hand, you don't know that until you dig and ask questions and/or righteously test an individual, uncovering who they are as a citizen. There are times that I may suspect someone might be guilty, but suspicion is not the same as an accusation, and I must clarify by questioning and interrogating, presuming good intentions in every step of the clarification process, keeping in mind legal loopholes to let them off on, until I can doubt their guilt no more, and then point out that guilt to God, prompting Righteous Action.

After finding any parent, including a member of my family, guilty, I'd just disappear, meaning state my peace against them and disappear from all sight or sense of them. They then wouldn't exist. Not to me, at least. I would vanish them from all existence in relation to me, and boycott their mere presence whenever possible until they apologize, as a form of distant stonewalling. If I had to be around them through some family event, I'd actively stonewall them, meaning nod "yes"/"no" but then walk away and ignore them, giving them the cold shoulder. You already mentioned you don't like them, or their abusive views, so you just ignore them, and bear silent witness to their evil views being spewed like nonsense. I may posit my view, if I see fit, but many times it is good to stay silent, and complain elsewhere, such as in a blog post while redacting names. Usually, this topic would not come up, and would be an explosive one even if I wasn't there.

If I say "I will never have a meal with you again" know that I mean business, meaning I have shunned you forever, or until you apologize, which presumably would be never given the severity of the act and the level of entitlement in the defense. The way to get around all this is simply be yourselves, and not hide anything, because I can tell when you are, and I am centered enough to ask in a polite way if you are hiding something. I believe in legal forgiveness, meaning in order for me to forgive you, you have to meet certain criteria that I set out...Anyone can redeem themselves in the eyes of my righteous judgment, but sometimes I am so highly skeptical and jaded that it never happens, and they don't care either, even if they do or claim to. Anyone has the power to turn away from abusing a child, but few have in this country, but I presume it is everyone, meaning usually assuming nothing about their parenting views, and not interrogating them. Anyone could be a gentle parent, or else I falsely "accuse" them of what is right, until they show that they are wrong in how their actions are.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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