Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Pro-social submission/rebellion: A biblical tradition of parenting

 Many people believe that children shouldn't rebel against parents, and that parents are the ones in charge. I myself totally submit to children, and nothing can stop me from defending the rights of child. Endure all hardship, endure all terror and trespass, and then go back to blogging. What is my anger at even a mere lawful spanking? Thunderbolt, when you defend such depraved and repulsive filth to my face. No, not spanking fetishists - most of them oppose it for children. Then, get out the old broom and sweep pro-spanking parents away.

Who is a child to me, in terms of symbolic authority? Picture a 12-year-old girl with brown hair, standing at the high bench, on the high pillar, above me, seated in high judgment, with issuance of lawful and binding orders. She stands over me, and tells me what to do, in terms of what she needs from me, and I comply. Yes, ma'am. That's likely how I'd view a daughter...lunged inward towards me, with me lurched back, and her issuing lawful and binding decrees as to her needs. I go along. 

Love for a child is submission, meaning being totally, lawfully, and judicially subject to children, with reverent fear and terror, trembling with in-lurch away from them, leading to complete and total subduction to every vulnerable need as their enemy, just as mankind is the enemy of God and should atone for such, leading to indentured servitude so that entitled adults can pay for their moral crime of existence in relation to children. This is Christian love, and denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao)

ALL adults are guilty of the moral crime of existence in relation to children, with said existence being filthy and detestable, and representative of the oppression said existence has inflicted upon children throughout the ions. It is a nervous awakening that lulls you, yet convicts you at the same time.

I submit to what a child needs/wants from me, and the result is this. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word is "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure rest and surrender in the love and grace of parents, leading to being able to tell myself anything. Parent submission is more authoritarian in nature, and is denoted by the Greek root word υποτασσο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to lawful, dutiful, and judicial submission, with the child as an adversary due to ignorance in the adult, as no adult can truly understand what it means to be a child in America. When this lawful subduction, done by the free will of the adult to be overthrown from his/her post, validates the every need of a child in that situation. It is not tall authority, but meek, shamefaced submission to the needs of children, with the rambunctious energy and free state of children standing out, with parents and other adults shut up and silenced, with the children pointing them to pro-social sequester for how adults have treated children...Only adults do so willingly, stating their remorse for existence by way of Christian example, as we are a Christian nation, founded on Christian family values, and violence and exploitation of vulnerable status are not family values. They sure aren't values in my house.

LET THE PARENTS BURN! Hang 'em up, and let the blood flow, then nail 'em up for three days. Good example to set for bratty parents who need a good whipping - ideally before the main procedure, but any time is good in the modern context. We disappear as gentle parents - we simply care for children and about children. The weeds that cover the rest of the world shall be shorn, and then your disciplinary rights will be taken away, and we would be the ones who did it, and encroached on your family...Most conservatives, like most liberals, spank. But, if that's your whole focus, in favor of, you've got problems, because no conservative I know is that ignorant.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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