Friday, March 5, 2021

Pedophilia: Are or have, in terms of identity?

 Who is a pedophile? Who am I as a person? How do the two intersect. Many people think pedophiles today are arguing for an inherent sexual identity. Some are literally, and are identifying in the modern-day, and I do not, on religious grounds, believe that sexual identity exists. Many see parallels between the arguments of non-offending pedophiles and homosexuals who have identified by their sexual orientation by the term "gay".

Pedophilia is not an inherent identity that encompasses the whole person, and if you think so, you are on the left. I do not think it does encompass the whole person, and if it did, it would be celebrating an evil existence. I cut many of these guys at VirPed a break because they do not intend that, and are flagging themselves as the abusers they are not in the eyes of the public. From a profiling standpoint, what abuser literally identifies by their tendencies and says "we don't act on them", but many people just don't get it, namely religious Americans with values close to mine, yet far from mine on children's issues...I point to, as an advocate. Pro-social promote, of an antisocial subject.

I am not a pedophile, literally, when I say I am. I am pointing to one, and saying that I have it, but in the standard medical fashion. Some people say "I have a pedophile" but that implies that it is "not a big deal" when having the condition affects how your profile is expressed, especially when the condition is on the surface. 

I avoid language of "my pedophile" because it indicates that it is a thing, not a mental disorder, to me. A tool, which I sure shouldn't see it as (and abusers do see it as - between the legs). It is a small set of cross-wiring in the brain that largely impacts how the rest of the brain is wired, meaning it will never change. We survivors know that, but many religious bigots, namely "Christian" counselors and even pastors, don't, in fact. They force them to "pray the pedophile away". Many of the members of these congregations, once identified, submit to church oppression of the trough format...I am a Christian conservative, but though I do go by the book, I do question the church from time to time. A lot of us do.

I am a pedophile is shorthand for I OWN a responsibility, and kindly advocate equal responsibility to others who differ in their issues regarding not hurting their children, within the gentle parenting community, as it expands. However, I am not a pedophile everywhere. Only when the topic is at hand, or when I need to control my gaze around a young girl in public. All of the other time, I am simply a person, a human being, with interests of my own. I am simply a person with a psychiatric disorder that predisposes me to sexual interest in children. That doesn't mean I have to identify by it as a form of adult sexual entitlement - reel in the extension cord, and plug it into the TV instead. This issue is not a religious issue the further you get from the imposition boundary, and by the time you get to where a child is going to be harmed, it is very religious. The moment you plan and devise ways to get into a child's life with nefarious and sexually entitled intent, the moment you identify as a sexually entitled adult, and should not be calling yourself a pedophile. A lot of us need to keep our mental health services, and can't stand for you removing our credibility in front of our professionals. 

We pedophiles are able to choose not to be abusers on the level of any ordinary, non-narcissistic, non-peacekeeper adult can. No medical excuse. If I can choose not to take my daily frustration out on a child, you can too.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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