Friday, March 5, 2021

Criminal-psychiatric railroad: A common form of therapy abuse experienced by non-offending pedophiles

 I am a pedophile, but I have it good. A good therapist here in Reading that listens when the issue comes. Not every pedophile is as lucky as I am, and that's why I speak.


Anna Eckman was 16-year-old girl who has autism, and was in therapy for such issues. She had trusted this therapist, Nicholas, for 2 years. Her parents saw his as a "behavior problem", and the therapist was one that was very proactive in a "Zieg Heil", adult authority type of way, but modern and liberal nonetheless. We are talking not gentle parenting, but another conflated tactic - ABA, behaviorism, rewards and punishments.

It was too much. That little boy of about 11 who made her smile, unlike the other children, who were rowdy and "disobedient", as she called them. "I can't take it anymore! I can't hold it back...I'm a pedophile and I want it gone. All gone. All gone. All gone..." she sobbed incessantly to the therapist. The therapist felt a bit of scadenfreude, and suddenly smiled like the grinch, "You know it's going to happen. You are going to do it, like predestined fate. Your a fucking pedophile, you fucking slut and whore" Her mother took her out by the scruff of the the neck, slapped her daughter across the face, then walked in.

The talk was about out-of-home placement, where she would be monitored 2-on-1 when allowed out in the community. She heard the whole thing. They they then got up, and walked out. Anna jumped in front of a car, bolting to remove dear life. Bloodspatter. Body on pavement. The early January evening wind blew as the moon shone from above the office building near Reading, Pennylvania, in Exeter Township.


I'm glad I don't have a mental health team like that. Grateful to God, given that I am a projectile of projection for entitled and deviant child abusers who hate pedophiles, yet feign one to a child victim in the form of sexual abuse. YOU WILL NOT PASS! YOU WILL HEARKEN TO ALL CHILDREN! I AM ANGRY that this could be a real life scenario, AND TORTURE THE PARENTS LIKE SQUIGIE,. like BLOODMOUTH like HARM, HARM, HARM, HARM...WE PROTECT FROM ABUSE. I'm calm. This is SILENT ANGER! When a child is abused in the name of their pedophilic condition, that's how I REALLY feel, and I care about them, yet feel powerless to stop the carnage. THESE are the worst yet best of child victims of abuse, especially lawful abuse that is deemed "reasonable chastisement". 

This could really happen - what I write - but is a fictional story, and has nothing to do with any real life events. It is based on what could happen in real life.

Yes, they are children, to me, in the best yet worst sense. 

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