Tuesday, March 16, 2021

"Feigned sensitivity of pedophiles": What real sensitivity for a pedophile is

 Many people these days are aware of the existing of non-offending pedophiles. However, few people know how to "deal with them", so to speak. Most people here in the children's rights community simply are baffled by the existence of non-offending pedophiles, and see them as immigrants. Think Ellis Island, and an unexpected wave of immigrants. Most trauma survivors are actually way too sensitive, in my opinion, to pedophiles. Yes, that does exist. 

We've only seen the seedy tip of the iceberg. This is known as the reverse iceberg theory, with the seediest and sleaziest pedophiles showing to society. Most pedophiles have not made themselves known to society. They exist, but as having a condition, not crusading as "my whole being a pedophile" and then alternating to only pointing out what's between their legs in a rape situation. THOSE are the pedophiles I want NO association with...They demand the sensitivity of the king, when they deserve the treatment of a doll burning in effigy.

How should you be sensitive to a pedophile? Know that our true identity is person-first, regardless of language. We are human beings first, pedophiles as a mental disorder, and most likely one of many primary diagnoses. We are not our condition, and if you treat us as such, that is stigmatizing.

Ultimately, non-pedophiles will never understand everything about what it is like to be a pedophile, so they shouldn't even try to. Prying into certain depths of the condition, such as fantasies, is insensitive, if there is an assumption of knowledge, just like it would be insensitive to ask things to survivors of "how often do you get flashbacks" when you simply know them from one group on the Internet. Fantasy is a private thing for most pedophiles. We don't want explicit details of our fantasies shared all around. 

Most everyone who was understanding of my condition, including my therapist and psychiatric medical assistant, claimed not to know about pedophilia as a clinical disorder, but said "we'll listen and reflect" and that helped me come to my own pro-social answers. Yes, that's all you have to do. With an ordinary trauma survivor needs a two-way listening conversation. A pedophile survivor only needs a one-sided one, with the therapist simply listening. Humanistic therapists, particularly person-first therapy, is an acceptable form of therapy, in my experience. My therapist is trauma-informed, and thus I don't need two therapists.

Most people, I know, don't like the concept of pedophilia. I don't either, but since I have it, I deal in it, perhaps with pro-social fantasy. Nobody has to praise my condition, and if you do, you want something from me, and I can tell, and I just kind of shudder meekly. Tell me how you really feel, so I can process your response. So you hate my guts? I know how to debrief such situations many times due to my children's rights conditioning. Pro-social therapist/judge. Pro-social empath. Most pedophiles I know are empaths, but the inverted type that might hurt themselves if they don't get community support.

Basically, pedophilia is a remote issue, meaning it should never have been made a nationally-relevant political issue. Only 1-2% of men are pedophiles, by the clinical definition. Pedophilia, in a child, in relation to their parents, is understood as a form of selective attachment. Most parents don't become sexually attracted or threatened by their child, but instead simply trust their child more - if you are honest about being a pedophile to parents, what is left to lie about? It is like washing away the final barrier between my mother and I, where we can then talk and relate freely, like friends, but with my mother being the responsible party. It is the "it's on your own" attitude if I were to abuse a child.

Many, meaning most, here have been sensitive by one action - inaction, meaning not swarming my page with curiosity and such, and keeping any questions in ETC distant and professional. Pedophilia SHOULD be a distant issue from you, meaning if you try too much to coddle it, you are buttering me up, or so I perceive. Just be there for me to contact, but most of the time, I have other people in my personal life to talk about the issue at length, in depth. Nobody here should hear about any crushes on children, meaning rambling messages, or else that is a bad sign.

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