Saturday, February 6, 2021

Righteous judgment of parents (including ours)

 Many people think I am too hard on the parents. I myself fancy a reputation as the parent-hating king of the world. We hate them all here at anti-spanking, here at children's rights. Children's rights is an anti-parent entity. I hunt for parents, find them, than annihilate them from all existence, all with a few keystrokes. A pedophile is identified as a parent one he/she abuses a child sexually or otherwise, and/or defends it as a right.

It says in John 7:24 KJV:

Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

The Greek root word translated "judge" and "judgment" is κνιρο (Latin: krinó) and refers to circular righteous judgment, based on the presumption of innocence in your neighbor, expecting absolutely nothing in return. The Greek root word translated ορίς (Latin: opsis) and refers to superficial suspicion "beyond what the eye can see". 

It is a specific form of judgment that works like a cone on its side. When I see evidence of child abuse, namely the lawful spanking that I grew up with, I get revved up, and interrogate the suspected parent with both closed-ended and open-ended questions alternating, grilling them like a judge, making lawful orders to clarify their intent around said child, waiting for the reaction of the suspected parent. Any defensiveness or visible entitlement seals their fate, whereas any apologetic reaction - that of tears, preferably, is the right way to react, and I would try to understand (I hate parents - pesky little bugs and spoogs - so others would be of better help than I). 

I want, viscerally speaking, to believe you are guilty, like fire and flames. Your called testimony to clarify your innocence or guilt will either bellow the flames everywhere, or quench them. You have a ramp to climb up, not a cliff, and if you have any genuine empathy for my concerns, the ramp should be easy to climb, and you'll be up in no time.

With sexually entitled parents/abusers, I'm more covert. I get to be their friend, usually overhead from beneath, and watch what they type on the screen. Generally, I become their friend. I have a lot of patience for such grizzly stories, yet end up having angry energy panged up in my insides. Such needs to come out somewhere, right? You are no pedophile, so stop stealing my medical label as an excuse for abuse. No medical excuse.


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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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