Wednesday, February 10, 2021

How I would interact with a child

 I often talk in religious terms about my views on the family. Man is the head of woman, and both collaborate to be gentle parents, with woman having the right to work her way up to being equal if she so wishes (but only man has an obligation to provide in a family - woman can slack if she wishes). What is a pedophile? You can simplify the concept as young adult with autism/spectrum features who relates to children differently, and does so with sexual undertones. That is what pedophilia is to me, and will always be to me, because I was that teenager, and I recognized my behaviors by recognizing that psychiatric label. VirPed is the site where I confirmed my self-diagnosis.

Gentle parenting is a broad concept, and can include any friendship with a child. Mine is rather unconventional - my friendship with a child can be pictured as me and a young girl standing back to back, in a friendly yet adversarial manner, respecting the individuality of my young friend, even while not relating to her fully or at all. It would be a convicting, shaky experience that would humbling experience.

I am a very distant person, in fact. I am, in fact, distant from children as well, but in an inclusive way. Grandfather clock, but the warm and cuddly type that you want to take with you while on wheels. Submission to children is allowing them to drag you anywhere and everywhere in your life, down in the trenches on their level, whilst me being dumbstruck and silent, shut up by the good God up Above, with the child holding the wickr. Even mature, intelligent adults can be made dumb and convicted by the grasp of a child's hand.

I myself am one to see a child as a distant yet close attraction, meaning just a pal to hang out with. I often find myself instinctively ask children for permission to do things, such as perhaps see their papers or effects, to speak to them on casual terms (which they have complete control of, not myself). Apart from what the child bestows, I am not entitled or deserving of anything from a child, and am deserving of punishment for existing from their Lord. I am to assume any given child is offended or affronted by my mere existence or presence as an adult, until a child forgives my adult existence. I am grateful that many have, given that I am a pedophile. Children make the rules, and they don't want anything from me that I could give. Most young girls that "dress sexy" just want to look pretty, and that's their sexual expression. I must deal with it, as the slightest of unlawful glance, by said female victim's perception, is child abuse, and can be prosecuted as harassment (18 Pa.C.S. §2709) under the Crimes Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Picture Kaylee on the couch on a cold night, the evening news happens to be on, and I'm snuggling next to her as she's playing a game on an app on her phone. I just love her, being around her. That's all there is to it. Being around her, and I'm done! Safe from distress (a self-interest preserved).

I see myself as very different from a child, yet called into her world. Set limits? Absolutely, but like we do, not like they do. And only sparingly. I hate that word "no". It was used against me way too much in a court of law as a child. I'm the one on trial now. 

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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