Thursday, February 11, 2021

What is the "red heifer" in anti-pedophile theology?

Many in anti-pedophile have heard of the "red heifer". This refers to a pedophile in the Reading, Pennsylvania vicinity that was being tracked "from day one", due to his activity on children's rights pages online, to be a threat to the children's rights movement. That was me, and I just wanted to be friends. Head hung low. I deleted a quotation mark, which means I do not consent to death, which is immoral under my Christian values except in immediate self-defense after retreat to abode, and unwillingness to succumb willingly out of martyrdom (my standard of self-defense)...I'm made the problem why children aren't advancing in the United States, when I want anything but. It is righteous anger for children and myself at a low level that doesn't come out in the text. Anti-CR anger. Let's just say, when you go online, your Internet history follows you. I figured this out long before the end - someone wanted me here to be slaughtered, meaning Blake, and I'm certain he'll slaughter me after writing this, or send anyone.

Where did this start? Exeter Township park, in St. Lawrence, as a child, and the Internet, on children's rights websites (which my mother did remember me going on). When you go on certain sites of importance, including our websites, we track you, and that's where it all began. This little kid, only about 3 or 4, going on "corrupting websites". Children's rights websites were more grungy in nature then than they were now, meaning less idealistic in terms of view of children. We hide those sites because they had knowledge that sexual predators were using to get out of trouble.

A "children's rights kid" was a child who was deemed not a child by the parental rights lobby, and certain parent-friendly activists in the children's rights lobby such as Robbyn Peters Bennett (she was not the nice, kind "mother to everyone" that she is now - she's changed A LOT). These were kids that the parental rights community shunned and mocked, and were stripped of their child status. "Child status" is a gold standard of UN protection if you are under the age of 18. The word "child" is a precious word to me today, meaning even as it was used against me, I reclaimed it. I was aware, when other children weren't.

On the other end of things, my cousin, Gina Scheibner, was being groomed by Blake ever since she had a phone. The idea was that I had to be in the picture. It involved the sick fantasies of a group of people, lead by Blake informally, and two cousins acting on a low-level, connotational incestuous attraction that should not have been made relevant to anyone, slandering my cousin as a "pedophile". I see her as simply my cousin, and suspected she was bisexual given her posts, and didn't care - having any sexual preference is not sin according to my Christian beliefs, as long as you don't use it outside of marriage. Child excursions are exempt from divine prosecution, as is triangulating rape except for the triangulator(s). I have a strong opinion that all that are haunting my cousin and her parents, namely anti-CR, are going to burn in Hell. I do not feel comfortable being "served" by a child. My Christian values state the reverse, and she need not feel bad - it's the same kind of servitude Max has always had, Gina. Think when I didn't like saying "no", only I do set some boundaries, but take that general attitude. That's what reverent fear actually is. Fear of myself in relation to you, that you have no responsibility over. I'm not angry with anyone living on S. 171/2 Street. There are certain family members on my ban list, and I simply avoid them, and remove them from my Facebook friends list. They defend an evil cult aimed at undermining children. They know who they are, and don't need to be name.

This is the lowest you can go in terms of human nature. This is exactly why I am even more convinced of the depraved nature of man. What else could explain all these different people converging on two cousins for a sex party. 

As for the complain of antisocial "rough-play"? That was stupid, to say it nicely, and I do, in fact, count it as abuse under my Christian standard, because she was shocked and afraid within the moment, which she had every right to feel. The police, if they meant well, would have simply sent a patrol officer to my door, notified my mother about the situation, and issued a warning. My mother, if it got to that point, would have been furious - at me. I would have deserved it.

Where you go on the Internet always comes back to haunt you. I defend my choice to visit children's rights websites to escape from an abusive home anytime. Age doesn't matter. This is America, and we are a free country in every regard, even where we haven't realized.

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