Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Pedophilic children: How to bring up a pedophilic child

Many parents worry about their child being sexually abused. This is a normal fear on the part of parents. However, most parents don't plan on having a child with pedophilia. However, a child can be diagnosed with pedophilia as young as age 16, and can be identified earlier. Pedophilic children are the most oppressed of all children, as they have two strikes against them - being a child and being a pedophile.

Most people think that a pedophile is an anger packet imposed on a child. However, the fact of the matter is that a pedophile has a child-centered form of autism. Most pedophiles have an autistic specialty in children in terms of knowledge and social skills, with their sexual preferences reflecting their specialty in children and children's issue. If a man with autism is a natural at nurturing children, think pedophile, as most individuals with autism find children annoying.

Most pedophiles are not sexual abusers of children. According to research, only 1 in 4 pedophiles have sexually abused a child. That means 3 out of 4 pedophiles have done nothing wrong in relation to children. An adult pedophile is the safest of all adults around children. Most pedophiles have not committed a sexual offense even as a child.

Most pedophiles do not disclose in the form of a "bomb going off". Most pedophile disclosures are tear-filled and vulnerable, as most pedophiles want their desires to go away. However, the fact of the matter is that the desires aren't going away, and so the pedophile needs to feel comfortable in their own skin. The only way out of that fog is masturbation to sexual thoughts of children.

The Greek root word denoting lust in the New Testament is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. It is okay for a pedophile to look the look, and think the think later. However, if a pedophile does the deed with a child, they should not have approached the child. "Doing the deed" refers to flirting or propositioning a child, or else touching a child anywhere on their body with sexual intent. The only way out of the approach is to righteously masturbate to sexual thoughts of children.

The way to tell if your pedophilic child is going to become an offender is the nature of the disclosure. An abuser pedophile is usually an obvious abuser, meaning they frequently disclose about crushes that they have to a child. An abuser disclosure of pedophilia is a tone-deaf one, meaning the abuser pedophile in question discloses their pedophilia without understanding the gravity of the term. Most pedophiles instead disclose in tears, wanting the desires to go away. I myself was an obvious abuser, meaning I disclosed in the form of a joke pedophile. Most pedophiles don't see the issue as a joke, but as a painful life problem. I disclose my abusership in order to point out to the casual reader what to look for in order to locate an abuser pedophile. Most pedophiles are not abusers at all, but I am. 

Pedophiles require a certain level of sensitivity. The cardinal rule of pedophile sensitivity is to not use the word "pedophile" as a pejorative insult to a rapist or sexual assailant of child. A pedophile is more likely to be a victim of child sexual abuse than a perpetrator of child sexual abuse. Most pedophiles were sexually shamed as children just for being a pedophile, meaning oftentimes corrective rape against a pedophilic child. A pedophilic child cannot help but have their condition, as pedophilia is a genetic disorder along the lines of autism and other developmental disorders. 

What can a parent do in order to keep their child from sexually offending against much younger children, or in order to sexually abuse a child at all once they are an adult? The idea is to allow your child to vent to you in a clinical way or in a clinical celebratory way. Clinical celebratory disclosures are intended to vent about problematic sexual desires in order to avoid actually acting on them. All a pedophile needs from their parents is to get the burden off their chest, like unloading baggage that is burdensome. 

Most child sexual abuse is committed by non-pedophilic adults, not pedophilic adults. Most rapists or sexual assailants of children are in denial of the sexual attraction to children that most adults have. Most child sexual abuse happens in a sexually repressed environment, where the repressed adult attraction to children comes out sideways onto the child, like a ton of bricks. A pedophile, in rare cases, can repress their pedophilia entirely, and that comes from a sexually shaming environment as a child. However, most abuser pedophiles have a moderate-severe mental disability such as autism. Most pedophilic offenders don't understand the gravity of their actions towards children, but they sure deserve prison just for incurring onto a child in that way.

Most pedophiles have a severe religious trauma. Most pedophiles are not the most religious fellows on the block. Instead, most pedophiles are either atheist or agnostic. They prayed to God to take away their pedophilia, but God did not. My understanding of my pedophilia ultimately is that it is God's Will, meaning it is a spiritual condition that God, for some reason, will never take away. It is a sin nature that I will have for the rest of my life. I am a flawed adult in that respect, and am deserving of absolutely nothing, from children or anyone else. Most pedophiles were also sexually shamed as children, and so they had to lose their religion in order to cope with being a pedophile. Praying away the pedophile never cured a pedophile. I see pedophilia ultimately as a flaw to use for good, as my whole life involves children, despite me not having much to do with children. I just have to be careful that I don't become an abuser to children like I once was. I ultimately am a regret parent towards children, in parallel format. I have a mental disorder called pedophilia because I acted on it in the form of sexual harassment of children.

A pedophile can make a good child advocate, as most pedophiles are aware of their trauma. However, pedophilia should remain a mental disorder because a pedophile cannot possibly have the sexual relationship with children that they desire, and that will never change. I myself have a parental rights trauma of the legal sort, meaning I hate the idea of disciplinary rights that are enshrined in our nation's laws in all 50 states. I am aware of my trauma, and always was, because I am a pedophile, and a pedophile is usually conflated with a traumatic form of autism. Anyone with autism who identifies strongly by trauma is likely a pedophile. It is a myth that pedophiles are incapable of trauma. My parents used spanking and false imprisonment tactics to control my behavior, and I turned out resentful of my parents due to that treatment. I gave my parents hell until they could not deny their abusive treatment of me any longer, and then I ended up with gentle parents. Pedophiles have a passion for children that can be put to good use. They just need to know the boundaries around children, which can be taught by parents.

Most pedophilic offenders are sexually curious about the bodies of children, and want to see the sexual or intimate parts of children. Certain body books geared towards children entering puberty are also suitable for pedophilic children. A pedophilic child will then know what children's bodies look like, and not need to check for themselves and possibly run afoul of the law. My parents never bought me those books, but I sure leaned on them for questions involving children's sexual development. 

The depraved and entitled parents who sexually shame their pedophilic children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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