Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Pedophilic children: How to bring up your pedophilic child

Many parents worry about their child being sexually abused by "pedophiles". This is a common fear amongst parents. However, most parents don't bank on the possibility of their child being a pedophile themselves. Most parents who have a pedophilic child abuse their child just because they are a pedophile, usually in the form of sexual shaming abuse.

What is pedophilia? Most people think the word "pedophile" is an abuser's title. This is false entirely. Most pedophilia is a form of autism where the individual with autism focuses on children's issues as a special interest. A pedophile is a person with a primary or exclusive sexual preference for children under age 14. The pedophilic individual's autistic specialty in children reflects their inborn sexual preferences. Pedophilia is a mental health disorder that is genetic in origin, with the genes for pedophilia occurring along the lines of autism. Most pedophiles have "exist" autism, meaning their special interests surround people. If they are a pedophile, their special interests in people center around children.

A pedophile needs an outlet for their unrequited lusts. That outlet comes in the form of righteous masturbation. The Greek root word translated "lust" in the Bible is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epthumeo) and does not refer to just any sexual desire, but to sexual desire leading to an approach. It is okay for a pedophile to look the look, and even think the think later. But, there is a big difference between thinking the think and doing the deed. "Doing the deed" involves any flirting or propositioning of a child, or else any touching of a child anywhere on their body with sexual intent. If your intent is to do the deed with a child, you shouldn't even be approaching them. Approaching can refer to any prior steps leading up to doing the deed with a child. The only way around approaching a child is masturbating to sexual thoughts of said child. A pedophilic child needs room to masturbate to sexual thoughts of much younger children.

I myself am a well-adjusted pedophile. That is because I have a mother that I can talk to about my pedophilia, as well as a therapist to lean on if I need to talk further. Treating a pedophilic child is like allowing your child to unload baggage. It is a one-sided conversation about their attractions to children. When the child is anguished in their pedophilic attractions, that means that they mean well entirely around children. I disclosed like it meant nothing, and then committed a string of moral crimes that made other pedophiles look bad. What I did when I flirted with children was follow them around and wave at them, thus interacting based off of romantic juices. I have offended against children as a pedophilic adult, and thus I need to atone for all the moral crimes I have committed as a pedophilic. Even if my sexual offenses were committed as a child - which they were - I am the adult in that situation, and must atone as an adult. I, however, am blessed to have people that I can talk to about my pedophilia if I need to.

My crushes on children came in the form of train cars, with everyone around me hoping for the caboose. I was an obvious abuser, meaning I abused in plain sight, following around young girls and waving at them in a flirtatious manner. When the child only talks to you as a parent about their pedophilia, they know the boundaries enough that maybe they can cut themselves some slack. I myself cut myself too much slack in the past, and thus I need to atone for my crushes towards children. 

Most sexual offenses committed by pedophiles are committed as child-on-child incidents. According to research, 1 in 4 pedophiles have committed a sexual offense. Most of the time, the abuser made it obvious that they are a pedophile, in a way that posed a threat to children. Think the creepy dude that follows a child home from school. Most pedophilic abuse comes in the form of sexual harassment. Most serial child rapists are plain old rapists, not pedophiles. Yes, some individuals are pedophiles, but are they a rapist? That right there is the question you should ask before naming and shaming a pedophile just based on their admission alone.

Why would your child be a pedophile? Pedophiles, in ancient times, were parallel parents towards children, and took in abused and orphaned children. The Apostle Paul himself was a non-contact pedophile of the exclusive variety, and took in many children from abusive homes. The way it worked then was that children were given a choice after their parents were tried and convicted by the council on counts of child abuse - go with parents, or go with pedophiles. In most cases, the child went with pedophiles, and was nursed back to health, many times with the pedophile lactating for the child. Most pedophiles in the Early Church also gave parenting advice by writing parenting manuals reminding new parents of the Judeo-Christian custom of attachment parenting. Contrary to popular belief, pedophiles expected absolutely nothing in return for their child intake, meaning demanding sexual ransom was seen as fornication on the part of the pedophile. Pedophiles were the modern-day equivalent of foster parents or adoptive parents. The Apostle Paul did not get along with women, and that is because all of the women wanted him sexually, and he was not attracted to them at all, with Paul wanting to be around children more than women.

Most pedophiles who have nurturing capacity are male. The most dangerous profile of pedophile is the "daphne". Most female pedophiles who fit the "daphne" profile have no nurturing capacity. The only way they are able to nurture a child is to have sex with them, meaning usually in the form of raping a child. That form of child rape comes in the form of forcing penetration with boys, or fist rape in the case of girls. A "daphne" is not merely a vulnerable woman. They usually do not know how to nurture a child, except maybe if they are also zoophiles. A female pedophile is obvious in terms of features, as they did not ever go through puberty. 

Most sexual abusers are not pedophiles. The vast majority of adults committing child sexual abuse are opportunistic abusers given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rape a child. Most adults who sexually abuse children are simply adults who are oppressing children using sexual force. 1 out of 10 children are sexually abused before their 18th birthday. On the other hand, 1-2% of the male population fits the diagnostic criteria for pedophilia. Child sexual abuse is usually committed by an adult who is sexually repressed in relation to children, with those repressed desires coming out sideways in the form of a rape or sexual assault. Usually, the adult has no prior history of committing sex crimes, and does not meet the diagnostic criteria for being a pedophile. Many times, it is a singular incident where the rapist lost control and then attacked the child. But, the sexually entitled adult who rapes or sexually assaults a child could easily have avoided that fate by masturbating to sexual thoughts of children. Thus, presumably all adults are capable of child sexual abuse, under the right/wrong conditions.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape or sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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