Thursday, August 22, 2024

Abortion: Why abortion is a trap for women

Many people today support abortions. This is a common attitude coming from the woke left. Abortion was long opposed by the Early Feminists. However, the women's movement has lost their credibility for supporting abortions, taking an about-face on the issue. Apart from the most Christian of feminists, most feminists are pro-choice. However, if women just knew what abortion was, they wouldn't be getting the procedure done.

The Sixth Commandment states in Exodus 20:13 KJV:

Thou shalt not kill.

This commandment was interpreted by the Early Church as that only God can take a life. This meant thar abortions were also banned in the Early Church. Abortion is a rare procedure, and was even rarer in the Early Church. In biblical times, abortions came in the form of abortifacient herbs, which were considered contraband in both the Old Testament and the Early Church. Abortifacient herbs were not native to the context of the Old Testament, but they were banned from being introduced. Abortifacients are a class of drugs that induce a miscarriage. When an abortion took place in the Early Church, the mother was excommunicated from the church on grounds of murder, even in the cases of rape, incest, or life of the mother.

Abortion, in all cases, is a forced miscarriage. Most abortion providers are dishonest about what the procedure is that is commonly called abortion. Most women who get abortions are pressured into the "choice" by a man who does not want to take responsibility for caring for a child. Abortion providers give the most simplistic instructions, usually along the lines of "take this pill and all your worries will go away". 

Most abortions are committed by doctors giving out an abortifacient pill that induces a miscarriage. In all cases, the corpse of the unborn child passes while stillborn. Once that passage of the stillborn child hits home, mothers vow to never again get an abortion.  

I myself am a feminist, but of the Christian variety. I do my part to prevent abortions by not having sexual relations outside of marriage, and not raping women or young girls. Most abortions are a reaction to an unplanned pregnancy. However, women soon learn that they made the wrong choice.

Roe v. Wade was a stretch of constitutional logic to say the least. The Fourth Amendment refers to a specific type of search and seizure - when the police come to raid your house. Apart from that, there is no clear-cut right to privacy in the Constitution. The framers never intended for a constitutional right to get an abortion. The decision of Roe was a clearly political decision that even many feminists oppose. 

The Early Feminists did not support abortion at all, but opposed it with a light touch. Empowered women used to educate their sisters about the dangers of abortion. This all ended with influence coming from eugenic sources that intend to wipe out disabilities instead of be sensitive to them. Most children with Down Syndrome never see the light of day, meaning most of them are murdered in the womb just for having a disability. Abortion is not a form of empowerment for women, as abortion leads to that stillborn baby passing through the birth canal. No woman wants a miscarriage, yet that is what abortion literally is.

Abortion can also benefit men in a way many women don't want. If abortion is made widely available, men will have an excuse to have sexual relations with women without facing the consequences of their sexual behavior. Most abortions happen because a man does not want to take responsibility for fathering a child. That is why women should never get an abortion. 

Abortion is a rare procedure. It is a myth that women are getting abortions "left and right". Most women know based on their maternal intuition to stay away from the abortion clinic and put the child up for adoption anyway. If such a procedure is truly that rare, what is the need for it to begin with? Most women believe personally that abortion is wrong, but "don't judge" a woman for getting an abortion. The next step in a post-Roe America is for women to judge based off of their intuition, not based off of leftist politics. Most women already know that it is wrong at some level, and so I trust women to know the truth about abortion even as a man. 

A man is to take responsibility for any child that they father. That means don't pressure your mistress that you were messing around with to get an abortion. Men can prevent abortions by not having sexual relations with women outside of marriage, and not committing rape at all. The unborn child has half the father's DNA anyway.

It is a myth that abortion is a right a woman has over her body. It is instead an incursion on a body within her body. Most women in biblical times knew this as a fact, with only the very coldest of mothers getting abortions. An unborn child has both the father's DNA as well as the mother's. 

As a Christian myself, I support banning abortion in all cases. However, I also support a safety net for the extra children that would be born, including foster care if the child had no suitable father to care for them. I support the universal healthcare coming from the Affordable Care Act, and support vouchers for college and daycare. However, whenever a woman can, she should quit her job and be the mother that she was meant to be, because young children need their mothers above all else. Being a mother is a woman's highest calling. I support also banning the death penalty and suicide attempts. I am even opposed to war due to my views on human life. I try to be consistent on my views on human life. 

The depraved and entitled women who murder in the womb, and all that aid and abet, will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath day and night forever and ever! Repent!

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