Thursday, May 9, 2024

Why not to send your child to school

Many parents think it is commonsense - children "need" to go to school. This is a common attitude amongst American parents. Most American parents send their children to school. However, the Bible calls on parents to protect their children from child abuse, and most schools are abuser schools by the biblical definition.

The Bible prohibits all abuse of a child. The Greek root word denoting parental entitlement is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and is defined as, officially speaking, wanting things from children, to the point of imposition. When that want is imposed on a child, it becomes child abuse. See Colossians 3:21 KJV:

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child. This means that even schoolteachers are responsible for the children they write up as a form of "discipline". The term "discipline referral" should ring alarm bells for schoolteachers, as that is the source of their doom.

In the days of the Early Church, schools existed for even the average Greco-Roman schoolchild. But, no good Christian parent sent their children to school. That is because Greek schools employed the scourge of cords as a form of school "discipline". Christian parents instead homeschooled their children, with the education of their children guided by natural childhood curiosity. From there, children were encouraged to be curious about their world by way of discussion with fathers about what children discovered that day.

Even today, school can be abusive. I myself have experienced school abuse in the form of "discipline referrals" leading to suspension and even alternative placement. Schools today are run like prisons, meaning children are systematically punished and reprimanded by schoolteachers by way of detention, suspension, and expulsion. 

Any parent who defends the right of schools to use "discipline referrals" to punish children is a perjuror alongside the school official punishing the child. Some schools in the United States still employ the paddle as a means of child punishment, and that gains a lot of children's rights attention. However, even things such as afternoon or lunch detention are considered child abuse under biblical law, and thus any punishment of a child should be avoided by schoolteacher.

I am opposed, on religious grounds, to the whole school setup, meaning in order for a school to function, there needs to be some control. Yet, at the same time, control is a form of entitlement in and of itself. Any attempt to control a child is entitlement. That includes false imprisonment tactics such as detention, or else exclusionary tactics such as suspension or expulsion.

The dangers of sending your child to school are just too great. If you can, homeschool your children, and if possible, direct the education of your child based on their natural curiosity. Some states, including here in Pennsylvania, do require a certain curriculum that is approved by the local education agency (LEA). But, at least the child is free from the risk of being punished by school personnel in the guise of "discipline".

Having an IEP won't stop the school from suspending schoolchildren with special needs. I was clearly acting as a part of my bipolar disorder when I was repeatedly suspended, even though state law technically says that if a child with special needs is to be suspended, there has to be a manifestation determination meeting first to ensure that the behavior was not due to any known disability. 

In the Early Church, there was accountability for parents who punished their children. In most cases, children sued their parents at law once they became adults, if the children were abused in any way. There was no statute of limitations then, and there shouldn't be any today. If they took away the statute of limitations for child abuse, children could take their parents to court once they turned 18 and left the house. Parents would fear their children, by fearing that the abuse they imposed would come back to haunt them. Parents who abused their children were put on trial before the council of elders, who would decide, by way of majority vote, the fate of the parents brought before them. If the children did live with parents when the parents were convicted, the child was given an option - go with parents, or go with "child saviors". "Child saviors" were non-contact pedophiles who took in abused and orphaned children. Most children wanted to go with pedophiles, and so parents had to keep up the pace in nurturing in order to compete. Pedophiles did not demand sexual ransom in return, but instead warmly and lovingly related to children on their level.

I am opposed to statute of limitations laws. The statute of limitations also limits accountability for past behaviors on the part of parents. Without a statute of limitations, parent abusers could legitimately fear past actions towards children coming back to haunt them, no matter how old the child is who is bringing the charges. Most countries do not have a statute of limitations. But, our justice system is set up in order to protect abusers, including parents. In other countries, there is such a thing as historical child abuse, where the police investigate child abuse reported that allegedly occurred a long time ago. Adult survivors of child abuse don't have the option to sue their abuser, and much of the abuse children do face in America is lawful. In Israel, all cases of physical punishment dated after the year 2000 is fair game for the police, and for sexual abuse, the cases can date back to the founding of modern Israel in 1948. Statute of limitations laws silence survivors, who may be deterred from coming forward due to the stigma associated with admitting child abuse. It also makes mandatory reporting in schools a necessity to hold parents to account. That is the only good deed schools ever did - report child abuse, and half the time they don't even do that.

The depraved and entitled schoolteachers who provoke children to anger through punishment and reprimands will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be cast forever into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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