Friday, May 31, 2024

Righteous masturbation: How parents can avoid sexual entitlement towards their children

It is a hidden problem that all fathers and some mothers have towards their children. The topic at hand is parent attraction. Most parents, especially fathers, are sexually attracted to their own children. Most parents try to deny the attraction. The problem is that this denial of sexual desire in parents towards children puts parents at prime risk for sexually abusing their children. Righteous masturbation is the only way out of parent attraction to children.

The Greek root word denoting lust in the Bible is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. The only way out of that approach is in, meaning righteous masturbation. 

Righteous masturbation isn't any old masturbation, but masturbation as a solemn act. The acronym of righteous masturbation implies that pornography is not even in the possession of the adult masturbating, including, but not limited to, child pornography. Even if you don't use the pornography on your person, you are guilty because it is on your person. That means that if you do stumble across pornography, delete it from your search and Internet history, but don't wipe your hard drive for honesty's sake. Pornography was a form of εύτρεπλία (Latin: eutrapelia), which meant both pornography and coarse jesting. Pornography can even be in your speech. If your speech is intended to inflame romantic or sexual passions, it shouldn't be had. 

"Guy talk", meaning men revving up each other by sharing sexual experiences, is a moral crime in and of itself. Flirting, in and of itself, is fornication by way of obscenity. The only reason a man should flirt with a woman should be to court a bride, and even then, if she turns him down, he has to atone for even approaching the woman. A man should not be approaching a child at all for sexual or flirtatious reasons. It is okay to look the look, and think the think. It is not okay to approach the approach or do the deed. Whenever your approach made the slightest of sexual contact with a child, you did the deed, and you need to atone for that.

The sexual dynamics in a family home go like a criss-cross. Fathers and daughters were attracted in a mutually unrequited format. Sons were attracted to mothers, usually in the form of a dead end. Most of the time, mothers did most of the protection, since they could see their children clearly. Sometimes, mothers also had sexual attraction to their children, and in those cases, mothers really had to atone. The most dangerous part about today's sexual norms is a father's usual choice to repress sexual desire for his children. Fathers are supposed to masturbate righteously to thoughts of their children, meaning usually their daughters.

Most people think of masturbation as something that only leads to sexual contact outside of marriage. The truth is that masturbation purges the unrequited lusts that parents especially have towards children. Righteous masturbation is not a celebratory form of masturbation, meaning documenting fantasies in and of itself is pornography, as is sharing sexual fantasies. Masturbation is a solemn act to be done in private, as a form of mental hygiene. The only way to fully acknowledge your sexual side towards children is to fantasize about sexual relations with children. When you refuse to masturbate to sexual thoughts of children - which all adults have - you refuse to acknowledge that side of you, and then it stays repressed. Repressed sexual desires often leads to adults, especially parents, approaching children for sexual or flirtatious reasons. Some adults don't even know where their feet go in relation to children, such as when they see children in a public swimming area. 

I myself am a pedophile, meaning that I have a near exclusive sexual preference for children under age 14. The peak age in my attracted is ages 11-12. I deal with my attractions by masturbating righteously to sexual thoughts of children. The masturbation alone purges the unrequited attraction I might have for a child passerby. I have a history of obsessing and fixating on specific young girls, and so I have to char and tar all sexual possibilities by knowing that even approaching children for sexual or flirtatious reasons will land me in Hell. Righteous masturbation is something that I use to explore all possibilities, and I have no problem masturbating to sexual thoughts of the girl that I met. I just need to remember that if I do approach her for sexual or flirtatious reasons, the approach, in and of itself, would be a moral crime against God. I have no problem finding my feet in relation to children, and simply look the look, and maybe think the think later. I don't want what I want these days, and feel safe exploring all possibilities through righteous masturbation. I prefer to explore the possibilities with children, especially the children I see in public. I myself often coo at little children, even boys when I am not attracted to boys, meaning I dote on them when out and about, especially when they are having their moments.

All fornication is blasphemy. All blasphemy is against the Father, and whenever the Holy Spirit is mentioned in a convicting way, it refers to the Father. That is how convicting references to the Holy Spirit were viewed in biblical times. Thus, it is not too late to avoid your habit of approaching your children. The main idea is to "flee fornication", meaning that if you find yourself approaching a child for sexual or flirtatious reasons, about-face yourself and flee from fornication. If you find yourself in a rape habit with a child, flee from that habit, and you will be forgiven. What the Bible says is clear - God the Father gave to us our bodies as a gift, with strings attached. If you commit fornication with your body, you are unclean until the even. Fleeing fornication is enough to purify yourself of uncleanness and impurity. It is a myth that God owns our bodies - we are our own, but with strings attached, meaning no fornication with our bodies, with fornication being a sin against our own bodies. The key to fleeing fornication is avoiding the approach entirely, and then masturbate to sexual thoughts of children, with masturbation alone being seen in biblical times as a purifying act. Fornication is ultimately summed up by the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to anything outside of proper channels, as understood in the biblical context. The slightest of sexual contact is considered impurity, with masturbation seen in biblical times as a form of purification. 

Masturbation has a tendency to, when done willingly, to dim the lights and cool the jets. It purges the adult brain of all sexual strife, meaning that your struggles with sexual thoughts will cease. The idea is to allow yourself sexual thoughts, including sexual thoughts within the context of righteous masturbation. Most Christians may want a struggle, but what if I told them that it is better to purge yourself of sexual thoughts entirely? I myself don't have a sexual thought "every 10 seconds", but only am reminded of my pedophilia when I see an attractive young girl. Other than that, I know it is there, but don't have surface-level sexual thoughts. I can look the look, and even think the think, but I can't approach the approach or do the deed. Flirting or propositioning is counted as doing the deed. The only way I can approach is with intent to court a bride, and even then, if she turns me down, I am to atone for approaching her. If she is keen on dating me, I will make her wait until marriage. I am only allowed to marry a woman that is equal to me, meaning even college-age women are off-limits, as are children. 

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape or sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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