Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Parenting your pedophilic child: What to do about pedophilia in your child

Many parents are worried about their child being sexually abused by a child predator. This is a normal fear of any parent. However, few parents banked on their children being a pedophile. However, it happens in some cases, and most parents feel the need to correct their child's pedophilia in some way.

What is pedophilia? Pedophilia is NOT a narcissist. It is a form of empathic autism where empathy is specialized in children. That high sensitivity for a child's needs is reflected in the sexual preferences of the pedophile. A pedophile has a form of autism that is child-friendly. Most autism is not child-friendly, meaning most children with autism are annoyed by their younger siblings. When they instead act as their lawyer, think pedophile. A common pedophile behavior in children is guarding younger siblings or family members, meaning that anything punitive was met by protective action from the pedophilic child.

A pedophile has a specific anger pattern. Most of the time, the pedophile does not get angry at all towards children, but rather aside of children in protective mode. When pedophiles do get angry at children, they get angry on their level. I myself am a pedophile, and I was born without an anger instinct towards children. I literally cannot bring myself to punish a child, or even blame a child for anything.

As a pedophile, I am grateful for the treatment I received from my mother and a therapist. What accommodation does a child with pedophilia need? What helped was having someone to talk to, and having space to masturbate to sexual thoughts of children. Most pedophiles need someone to listen to and validate their burden, because the disorder is a burden for them, usually in the form of intrusive thoughts.

The Greek root word denoting lust and inordinate affections is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but instead sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. The only way out of the approach is to masturbate righteously, meaning masturbate without pornography. A pedophile needs to masturbate, because that is as far as they can go with a child. Most pedophiles are exclusive or near exclusive. meaning women are of limited interest to most pedophiles.

Most pedophiles disclose while in tears. This is not manipulation, but actual anguish coming from unwanted and intrusive sexual thoughts. When should a parent worry about their child's risk? A child is at risk of sexual harassment towards children if they disclose like it is nothing, meaning a tone-deaf disclosure. I myself disclosed that way as a child, and received a lot of undeserved excuses. I approached several young girls for sexual and flirtatious reasons. I am deserving of nothing but DEATH and PUNISHMENT as a pedophilic adult, due to my track record with children. I now avoid children, after one notable instance where my greeting to a child made her uncomfortable. When other children around your pedophilic child are using the word "creep", be firm in your limits, and keep them in your line of sight. Inform them on the harm of child sexual abuse. Most pedophiles already know the threat they might impose on a child, and don't need to be reminded. But, some pedophiles haven't internalized their capacity to offend fully. It is an invincible feeling, where the threat is everywhere else, and not within your own person.

A pedophile, in most cases, discloses while in tears. This is because it usually isn't a narcissist, but surface level thoughts that are intrusive and unwanted. However, pedophilia is a genetic condition, meaning they can't rid themselves of the constant torment they are surely living in. Many pedophiles come to believe that the world would be better off without them. They need a place to unload their intrusive feelings for children. Most pedophiles are deathly afraid of sexually abusing a child, and need to understand that they have a choice not to abuse a child, and that it isn't their fate to abuse a child sexually. The worst thing you can say to a pedophile is that they are predestined to abuse a child sexually. That's what you say to a rapist who clearly is showing traits of a rapist. Most pedophiles don't rise to the level of a rapist, and are the last people to rape a child. 

I myself am more of a high-risk pedophile, as I felt invincible at first disclosure, and then disclosed everywhere. I am an example of what a pedophile isn't usually. I was an obvious abuser, meaning I made my advances towards children obvious. An obvious abuser has a specific child in mind as an autistic fixation. Most pedophiles know what to do when they have a crush on a child, meaning they use aversion imagery to distance themselves from the child. I had to learn to use aversion imagery, meaning images of Hell. Most pedophiles are the last people to abuse a child, and know to keep their crushes private, or else vent in a support group. I actually made my crushes obvious, which is a form of abuse called antisocial "flirt". Most pedophiles who abuse children do so on the surface. Think the creepy dude following a child home from school. I followed children around in public places. Most pedophiles only interact with children in the capacity of working with children, or else not at all.

Most sexual offenses against children are not committed by pedophiles. Most sex crimes against children are instead committed by ordinary adult. These adults found themselves in a once-in-a-lifetime situation. They repressed their secondary sexual attraction to children, and it came out sideways onto the child, like a ton of bricks. An abuser pedophile instead works on the surface, usually in the form of sexual harassment. They were like me - I didn't know the boundaries around children. Pedophiles are more likely to be victims of sex crimes as children, as opposed to perpetrators.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape or sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
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