Thursday, May 16, 2024

Adult attraction to children: Individual responsibility for adults attracted to children

Many parents think that pedophiles are the sole cause of child sexual abuse. This is a common attitude amongst parents. However, the fact of the matter is that parents are the main cause of child sexual abuse, alongside all adults. All adults are guilty in relation to children, and are capable of the worst of all child abuse under the right/wrong conditions.

All adults, according to research, are attracted to children at some level. Usually, it is a secondary attraction that is repressed by the adult in question. When the attraction is primary or exclusive, we call that pedophilia. Most sexual offenders are not pedophiles, because pedophiles are blatantly aware of their attractions to children, and want those intrusive thoughts gone. An actual child sexual abuser represses sexual desire towards children, and then approach children on autopilot, then offending against the child by way of the repressed desires coming out sideways onto the child victim, like a ton of bricks.

All adults have a moral duty to masturbate to their sexual side towards children. The Greek root word in the Bible denoting lust or inordinate passions is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordiinary sexual desire, but to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. The only way out of this approach is in, meaning masturbation quenches the sexual desire for children, and purges all unrequited lusts from the brain. 

The idea is to righteously masturbate to sexual thoughts of children, whether you are a man or a woman. When you find yourself attracted to a child, follow the thoughts to the end using masturbatory fantasy. Men are more likely to find themselves in this predicament, but women can also form attractions to teenage boys in particular, especially if they have "man" trauma towards grown men. 

It is unhealthy to repress anything, especially anything as powerful as a sexual drive. When you repress anything, it is bound to come out sideways in some way. When a man is alone with a child, and the child is attractive to them, the repressed lust packet comes out sideways onto the child, like a ton of bricks.

Some abusers are obvious in nature, and those abusers are usually pedophiles. An obvious abuser finds themselves fixated on a child, usually associated with autism. Usually, they have crushes on children that come in the form of train cars, with everyone around them hoping for the caboose. Most abuse from an abuser pedophile comes in the form of sexual harassment. I myself was that type of abuser. I felt more romantic feelings for my victims than sexual feelings. The idea behind "love" addiction is to char and tar all romantic or sexual possibilities. I used images of Hell to deter me from approaching a child for sexual or flirtatious reasons. Most abusers are not that obvious, as they know that what they are doing is wrong. An abuser pedophile usually doesn't understand the ramifications of their actions, but are still culpable just for being that kind of adult in relation to children. Most children don't want an adult to pine after them, and approach them for sexual or flirtatious reasons.

All adults are capable of sexual desire for children. Therefore, all adults are capable of committing child sexual abuse against a child. Most of the time, the adult in question is a parent. 80% of all cases of child sexual abuse are committed by parents. The main cause of child sexual abuse is the electra complex. Most sexual abuse is committed by fathers, towards daughters. Usually, the daughter feels obligated to meet the adult needs of a parent. But, even if the child initiates it, the father is still the guilty one. Child sexual abuse by a woman is either extrafamilial or due to the mutually requited form of the oedipus complex. Most cases of child sexual abuse are not extrafamilial, but when it is, it is usually committed by a serial rapist who happens to have access to children. Most serial offenders against children have their share of adult victims as well, and thus should be known as a rapist. Actual pedophilic abuse is rare, and more commonly is committed by adults with a mental disability such as autism. Think the creepy dude who follows a child home from school. If you see that dynamic, think pedophile, but the wrong kind. Most pedophiles have gotten the message - abusing a child is wrong. Pedophiles who do abuse children usually don't know that it is wrong, and are driven by an obsessive fixation for a specific child. 

I myself am guilty for being the adult abuser that I am in relation to children, and am deserving of nothing but DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing in relation to children and the God that protects them. My worst mistake was staying an atheist in the way that I did. I am an ex-atheist, meaning I misused the nothingness of atheism in order to commit moral crimes against children. I never understood the need for religion until it hit me - and I became a Christian. It was like a part of me was missing, that now makes up my identity. Only, I only realized that a part of me was missing when that part of me grew on me, and convicted me for all the children that I abused. I was an obvious abuser, meaning I didn't understand that approaching children for sexual or flirtatious reasons was sexual harassment. All adults have something to atone for in relation to children, even it is only one lawful offense against a child. Haven't we all as adults wronged or abused a child? Even if you as an adult haven't ever abused a child, you sure are capable.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape or sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let then descend into torrents of Hell-fire designed for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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