Thursday, April 11, 2024

Parent attraction: The true source of child sexual abuse

Many parents think that pedophiles are the only threat to children. Most parents think they are not the threat, with most parents opposing pedophiles. A pedophile is an individual with a primary or exclusive sexual preference for children under age 14. Most child sexual abuse is the easiest form of abuse to prevent. But, it takes a parent, usually a father, to admit that they have a problem. 

What is the true cause of child sexual abuse? As an advocate for children, I blame parents for the bulk of child sexual abuse, as well as the adults that parents extend into children's lives. In most all cases, parents bear some responsibility, at least because most parents don't want to believe that extrafamiliar abuse is happening. Most rape or sexual assault of a child, however, is committed directly by parents. Most pedophiles are more likely to be victims of child sexual abuse, and pedophilic children are usually the type of child to be profiling blind - the perfect target for a predator.

How does most child sexual abuse occur? Most child sexual abuse is committed by a rapist, not a pedophile. An anger rapist is a policer of modesty, as they have their sexual drive conflated with anger at immodesty. A child rapist simply is a rapist who has hit a child target, but other than that, they are simply rapists. The only difference between rapists of adult women and child rapists is that any old adult could rape a child. Even women are not immune to individual responsibility in this regard, as many women commit lust rape against teenage boys, with the woman who abused the child having a "man" trauma, thus feeling more safe and secure around children. Every single adult is guilty for the rape and sexual assault of children, without exception. Some adults pose more risk than others, but we all pose a risk in relation to children. The closer you are to children, the higher your risk, which is why I avoid children as a pedophile.

The only way out is in. The Greek root word denoting lust and inordinate affections in the Bible is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. Taking the first steps of approaching a child for sexual or flirtatious reasons is sexual entitlement. Once the child perceives the approach, it is considered fornication, as denoted by the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia). Any sexually motivated contact with a child, either verbally, physically, or symbolically, was seen as fornication by way of sexual assault then. 

Parents are the most capable of sexual violence against their children. Over 80% of child sexual abuse is committed by parents, usually as a form of behavioral modification, usually with this behavioral modification intended to punish a modesty "problem". The main excuse for child sexual abuse is a parent "keeping them safe" by punishing children sexually for their sexuality. Usually, they use the "parent" label as an excuse for "keeping them safe".

Parents don't merely have the right to protect a child, but instead a God-given duty to protect their children. However, parents have a poor track record at protecting children. Usually, someone else makes the report before the parent does. Usually, the parents are either the ones doing it, or else the last to acknowledge the abuse of their child.

Parent attraction is the source of most rape and sexual assault of children. Parent attraction happens in a pattern akin to a criss-cross. Fathers and daughters are attracted to each other in a mutually unrequited way, with sons being attracted to mothers in a dead end. In biblical times, these attractions were not acted upon, and if they were, the perpetrator was put to death by way of burning at the stake. In the Early Church, acting on sexual passions for your daughter was grounds for excommunication, and even if the parents fled fornication, they had to go to the next church over. Most of the time, daughters lured their father to their lair. However, even if the daughter did initiate it, the father was punished for not saying "no". Remember the story of Lot? Lot was the one who was slain by God.

Today, most child sexual abuse happens when the abovementioned attractions are repressed. When you repress anything, it comes out the other end. The key to avoiding sexually abusing your child is to acknowledge the side of you that is attracted to your child, and that can only happen by way of following the parent attraction to the end using masturbatory fantasy. If you refuse to sit down and spend away your parent attraction, you are part of the problem. 

The depraved and decadent, defiled parents who rape and sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descent into torrents of Hell-fire designed for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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