Friday, March 15, 2024

Why pedophiles can be saved Christians

Many people hate pedophiles. Most supporters of pedophiles support the wrong ally for pedophiles, and blame the wrong place. Most civil libertarian defenders of criminals blame the children's rights lobby for the hysteria. The fact of the matter is that pedophile hysteria has long existed, long before the founding of this country. Pedophile hysteria is a religious hysteria, based off of a false Christian teaching that masturbation encourages fornication.

What is pedophilia? Pedophilia is a primary or exclusive sexual preference to children under age 14. Most pedophiles are not narcissists, but instead have a form of autism that involves a special interest in children's rights. A girl who is interested in children's rights is an autopedophile, meaning she is attracted to pedophiles. A boy who is into children's rights is instead a pedophile. Most men with autism in particular find children annoying. When a pedophile just "gets it" with children, and knows intuitively how to nurture a child, think pedophile. Your average pedophile has a "rule boy" personality, meaning they see the world in terms of laws and rules. However, a pedophile will find ways to exempt children from the rules. In the eyes of the pedophile, children can do no wrong.

The whole debate about pedophilia is not the age of consent, as that one has been decided already - 18 in all cases. The debate is whether a pedophile can be a saved Christian. The formula that Christians come to in order to exclude pedophiles is that their only way out is masturbation, which leads to more masturbation, and then the real thing. This teaching is false.

The Greek root word denoting lust or inordinate affections is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but instead to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. The only way out of approaching random children in the store is to save the eyeshot for later, and then masturbate to purge the unrequited lusts and passions for the child. 

Most pedophiles, to be clear, are not Christians. They are atheists, and don't want to even be seen as a Christian. Many blame Christians for all child abuse. The reason they grew to hate religion is that they prayed for the pedophilia to go away, yet it never did. They tend to see their pedophilia as a curse, not something to celebrate. The main thing most pedophiles want in society is visibility, not sexual relations with children. 

I myself am what they call a Christian pedophile, and that is because the commands of my Christian faith ground me and set me straight. Some pedophiles do lean on Christ, and do we ever. I myself, however, am anti-parent in the way most atheists and agnostics are that I have met who were pedophiles. I just filter the parents differently - by way of spotting entitlement. 

Most pedophiles are anti-parent, as we have a collective parent trauma. Most atheists and agnostics who are pedophiles simply filter the parents by pointing out that most Christian parents are the ones abusing a child. I myself filter the parents based off of parental entitlement, and thus even an atheist can be named an abuser of children. Most of the time, I don't find an atheist or agnostic to be guilty like Christian parents are, but my abuser could be anywhere. 

The synopsis among pedophiles is that many of them are not saved Christians, but in a way that is deserving of nothing but sadness and pity. They have a trauma, and nobody believes them. But, can a pedophile be a saved Christian? Certainly, if they find friends in Christ, and try their best to obey all of the commandments. They just won't be able to avoid masturbation, and if they do it for the right reason, it won't matter to God at all. Masturbation actually clears the fog, and cools down the jets. 

The whole hysteria revolves around the false and abusive teaching that all pedophiles are predestined to both their date in court and their fate in Hell. However, pedophiles have a choice as to whether they abuse a child, just like the rest of us as adults. Most pedophiles make the right choice, and don't abuse children. In comparison, most adults have abused a child in some way, and some form, and need to atone for things they have done to abuse a child. Most pedophiles know better, and need to give themselves credit. I myself have abused a child in the past, in the form of sexual harassment, but I am the exception among pedophiles, not the norm. Most pedophiles are far more virtuous than I. 

Not everyone was intended to be a Christian, meaning many will be called, but few chosen. But, things that people are born with are not sins. It is how you handle the struggle. Mere sexual attractions are not sins. If you approach a target that is off-limits, however, that is sexual entitlement. 

Who is going to Hell? The abusers themselves are headed to Hell. They misuse the pedophile label in projectory format, projecting onto every parent around them in anti-pedophile stance. The average sexual abuser of children masquerades as an anti-pedophile. In order to join anti-pedophile, you have to have an abuse habit going, and have that abuse habit hidden. Most people who actually admit to pedophilia in a mature and grown-up manner mean well by the disclosure, even if it isn't received well.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape and sexually abuse children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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