Sunday, March 3, 2024

"Defend the criminals": Unveiling a false defender of pedophiles (and what/who a pedophile actually is)

Many people think that pedophiles are not worth defending. Most people do not know what, or rather who, a pedophile is, or else they wouldn't hate pedophiles. "Defend the criminals" is the lobby that specializes in what they call "pedophiles", which basically amount to sex offenders. But, pedophiles do exist, but under another name than "criminal". "Defend the criminals" doesn't defend my interests as a lobby. 

What is pedophilia? Many people think that a pedophile is a narcissist, meaning an anger packet. However, a pedophile is an individual with a primary or exclusive sexual preference for children. Pedophilia is a form of sexual immaturity genetically associated with autism, or sometimes ADHD. Most pedophiles have a specialty in children in terms of knowledge and social skills. Most people are generalizers, whereas an individual with autism specializes in a certain field of study. When this field of study in a male with autism in particular is children, think pedophile. Most pedophiles fit the "rule boy" profile of individual with autism, meaning they live by a set of rules, but think that children "can do no wrong" and are thus above the rules. Most people with autism are grouchy around children. Thus, if you see a male with autism just "get" children, think pedophile. Most children's rights autistics who are male are pedophile. In females, children's rights autism is a sign of autopedophilia, or attraction to pedophiles.

The "defend the criminals" lobby has their understanding of a pedophile totally backwards. Most in the "defend the criminals" lobby rely on the children's rights definition of a pedophile, meaning the "our abuser" model - and that was their first mistake. "Defend the criminals" uses similar yet stereotyped definitions compared to the children's rights lobby, and go by the definition of "our abuser" to the core, and defend that abuser. News flash - most pedophiles don't fit that definition.

The criminals can be among the most ardent opponents of pedophiles. Most sexual offenders are not pedophiles, yet they project like they have something sexual hidden for a child. The first sign of a sex offender is the accusation of "pedophile" flying in everyone else's face. Whenever you see a parent accuse everyone else around them of being "pedophiles". The proper term for that kind of offender is one thing they will never call themselves - a rapist.

What "defend the criminals" defends is sex criminals, and lumps them in with pedophiles. The solution for pedophiles, according to them, is fixing us up with a partner we don't need. The idea is to decriminalize child rape due to the argument that "they can't help it". They can help it - it's called discharging a sexual fantasy through masturbation. Child rape or childhood sexual assault can only happen under the strictest of circumstances, when the sexual desires towards children in an adult are repressed, which is the case with most adults. Thus, most adults are capable of child sexual abuse, for a reason nobody can stomach - they won't acknowledge their guilt in the matter, which can only happen during masturbation to sexual thoughts of children. Everything in life is a choice, including raping a child.

An actual pedophile is not likely to commit a hands-on offense against a child, but might sexually offend in the form of catering to child pornography. Even that, however, is a choice that a pedophile makes. There is no need for any sort of images in order to satiate the sexual drive of a pedophile, and the more you look at exploitation imagery, the more you are likely to depend on them. I avoid pornography because I don't want to be a slave to the computer.

What sensitivity does a pedophile need? Real sensitivity, not feigned. Pro-pedophile sensitivity is much like listening to and validating an upset. Most pedophiles don't have a narcissist, and instead have intrusive thoughts. The thoughts come in the form of urges, but only because the pedophile is fighting them back instead of facing them head on through masturbation. All a therapist has to do in order to accommodate a pedophile is listen and validate. A pedophile does not need to be fixed up with a partner, as a pedophile is capable of making decisions apart from their self-entitlement. Maybe I want it too, as I am a pedophile, but I can't have it, and that will never change.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape and sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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