Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Righteous masturbation: How to deal with parent attraction

Many parents have to deal with it. It is a silent struggle amongst many parents. All fathers, presumably, have an attraction to their children, usually their daughters. Most parents choose to deny any sexual attraction towards their children. However, one quick trick will purge the unrequited lusts between parent and child, once and for all.

Child sexuality starts very early, with children gaining attraction to the parent of the opposite sex by age 3. Sons are attracted to mothers in unrequited terms, with mothers usually not having any attraction to her children at all. Daughters are attracted to their fathers in mutually unrequited format. It is like a criss-cross, meaning things went in that direction in biblical times. The exception was with gay children, who held a mutually unrequited attraction to the parent of the same sex. Fathers abstained, and mothers were a good accountability partner for fathers. One thing mothers did was offer age-play and pretend to be the daughter of his choice.

Most of the time, however, fathers masturbated to sexual thoughts of their children, and centered their parent attractions in one area of the house, usually his bedroom. Righteous masturbation is masturbation for a specific purpose - to purge unrequited lusts.

The Greek root word translated "lust" or "inordinate affections" is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithmeo) and refers here not to ordinary sexual desire, but instead refers to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. This means that taking the first steps to approach a child for sexual or flirtatious reasons is the same as actually doing the deed with the child.

Righteous masturbation is an acronym dating back to biblical times. Men in particular, but also women, purged themselves of unrequited passions by masturbation. Masturbation was seen as a tool to help an adult stay out of trouble with a child. 

Most child sexual abuse happened a specific way in biblical times. Think the story of Lot, meaning daughters usually lured their father into their sexual embrace, usually using alcohol as a means of luring their father. But, note that God slew Lot and not his daughters. An adult should be responsible enough to know better than to even give in to clear sexual advances such as that.

Fathers nurtured from afar, whereas mothers nurtured up close. Mothers co-slept next to children so that fathers would have to go through her first. Fathers usually were good at keeping themselves in line, but when they weren't, the mother stood guard against the father approaching his children for sexual reasons.

Sometimes, mothers were sexually attracted to their children. This is where things get dicey. Mothers are capable of masturbation, and should follow the sexual thoughts to the end through righteous masturbation. A pedophile woman, however, is a special type of woman who, many times, cannot nurture. If your nurturant drive is sexual or otherwise corrupting, don't have children. We call this profile of pedophile a "daphne". Many men grow up to be misogynists due to the sexual entitlement of mothers. Indeed, we live in a world that hates children, with even the women lining up next to the men, against the children, keeping children down.

If you have a sexual attraction to your own child, know that it is perfectly normal, and doesn't mean that you are a pedophile. Simply follow the sexual thoughts to the end through righteous masturbation, and then eventually, the sexual thoughts should be spent away. If you find yourself preferring such sexual fantasies, then you are a pedophile, and you should own up to it. Pedophilia itself is not normal, and is defined as any "fantasies, urges OR behaviors" that are "recurrent, intense", basically amounting to a primary or exclusive sexual preference for children. Pedophilia itself is a mental illness, meaning a normal drive taken to an extreme that is unhealthy for the individual.

Most child sexual abuse occurs out of nowhere, by the victim's perception. It also comes out of nowhere for the perpetrator. What happens is that fathers buy into popular wisdom that they should repress their sexual thoughts about their own child, and not even acknowledge the desires in masturbation. When that happens, repressed desires come out sideways, like a ton of bricks. Any old adult can commit the offense against a child, if given the repressed mindset and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The key to preventing sexual abuse is finding that sweet spot for your child, and masturbating until the sexual thoughts are spent away. 

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape and sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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