Sunday, February 18, 2024

News media: Why the news media spreads pedophile hysteria

Many parents think that pedophiles are the cause of child sexual abuse. This is a common belief, and it ultimately comes from none other than overzealous reporting in news outlets. Most people don't know what, or rather who, a pedophile is. Child sexual abuse is the statutory rape or sexual assault of a child.

What is pedophilia? Most people think a pedophile is a narcissist. However, a pedophile is an individual with a primary or exclusive sexual preference for children under age 14. Most pedophiles have a form of autism where they have a specialty in children, meaning their whole world revolves around children. Most individuals with autism do not get along with children. If an individual with autism simply "gets it" with children, think pedophile. Most pedophilia is a humanizing attraction, meaning pedophiles are more likely than most people to see children as human beings. Most pedophilia involves intrusive sexual thoughts about children.

The actual definition of a pedophile is separate from "our abuser". The DSM-5 definition of a pedophile is someone with "recurrent, intense sexual fantasies, urges, OR behaviors" involving children under the age of 14. Most men are attracted to teenagers, and 20% of men are attracted to prepubescent children.

Most pedophiles do not sexually abuse children, whereas most sexual abusers of children are not pedophiles. Forensic pedophiles do not exist, and thus there is no need to use that label to describe a known abuser. A pedophile is a very specific type of person with mental illness that has an affinity towards children. 

Pedophiles make a rather small percentage of the population, meaning only 1-2% of the male population are pedophiles. Compare that to 1 in 10 children being sexually abused by adults, and you easily come to the conclusion that pedophiles have little to do with sexual abusers. Most prolific sexual abusers are narcissists with a sexual addiction.

The news media is reckless in their false depiction of pedophiles as the main problem facing children. The tradition behind this conflation is news reporters assuming all pedophiles want to be famous, and so the news media makes them famous for reasons they don't. Why make it relevant to the news at all? If you are going to report on it, leave out the pedophiles, as most sexual offenders are instead opportunistic offenders, acting on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. A pedophilic offender is a specific type of offender that usually uses "autism" as an excuse for their abuse. Usually, pedophilic offenders are negligent parents where one or both parents have a developmental disability. 

I don't mind my pedophilia being well-known. Most people in my hometown of Reading, Pennsylvania know who I am. I wish I could be labeled a pedophile, but most people don't see someone like me, who is visibly autistic, as a pedophile. My mother and my therapist see me as a pedophile, but in the right way.

There are career abusers, usually of the power and influence type, and they usually hold a position of authority. These offenders are the worst of the worst - and they are not usually pedophiles. Most of the time, they are simply rapists that also abuse adult victims. Thus, career offenders should be named and shamed as rapists instead of pedophiles. Pedophiles usually are exclusive to some degree, meaning they only are attracted to children. That means they usually don't have a family of their own to abuse, with most pedophiles having a caregiver that they live with. Most pedophiles do not have the social skills to be a career offender. In order to be a career offender, you have got to be one of the biggest con men of them all - and "pedophile" is their main excuse, making actual pedophiles look bad. Most career offenders state that "if you think that about me, you are the pedophile". 

A career offender keeps sides in a way an actual pedophile usually can't. An actual pedophile simply keeps a personal topic private. For an actual pedophile, their pedophilia is a private topic that they tell nobody about. It is obvious to them, but not to everyone else around them. Most of the time, when they are found out, they take their own life. Most pedophiles, to put things into perspective, have moderate-severe autism, and are immature on the level of the children that they are attracted to. I myself have moderate autism as a pedophile.

What do pedophilic offenders do usually? Usually, they commit a form of child abuse known as adultification, where the child is put in adult roles, such as spouse or caregiver. Most pedophilic offenders are negligent parents, and don't deserve to be called pedophiles, except if they want mental health services while on the sex offender registry. Most of the time, the authorities cut such offenders a break due to them not testing as a narcissist. Usually, they lose custody of the child anyway, which is deserved. I myself committed a form of spousification - or putting children in the spousal role - in the form of antisocial "flirt". I do not want to be defended because of those offenses against children, and I take responsibility for not only hurting children but also hurting pedophiles. What I did made other pedophiles look bad.

Pedophilia is a mental health issue some individuals have, and is not an abuser's excuse. It is a myth that a pedophile is an anger packet directed towards a child. Pedophilia is a male nurturing instinct, in parallel format. Most pedophiles have a parent of their own attached to them, meaning they have a sexualized thread encased by an encasement. 

The common understanding of a pedophile being an anger packet saved for a child is actually false. We call those rapists. Most actual pedophiles have internalized that raping or sexually assaulting children is wrong. Most sexual offenders repress their secondary attraction to children. Most adults have a secondary attraction to older children and teenagers, but they don't acknowledge their sexual attraction to children. From there, the sexual desires for children become repressed. That then comes out sideways onto the child, like a ton of bricks. The only way out of this fate is out - meaning find a sexual fantasy about a child to masturbate to, and spend away that fantasy. In clinical settings, most adults found a fantasy about their own child. The way to acknowledge any repressed sexual desire is to masturbate to those sexual thoughts. It is easy to just ignore sexual fantasies of children, but it is good to acknowledge those thoughts too, as that may help you in the case that you get into the right/wrong opportunity to sexually abuse children.

The main entity spreading lies and falsehoods about pedophilia is the news media. The news media constantly conflates "pedophile" with "child rapist". The two are distinct concepts. Yet, the news media continues to conflate, in their language, pedophilia with child rape. All news outlets have to do in order to show sensitivity to pedophiles is not using the word "pedophile" in place of child sexual abuser. That's all you have to do as a news outlet, as nobody dares to point out a distinction. The main goal of the Virtuous Pedophiles lobby is to point out the difference between pedophiles and child sexual abusers. All we want is the omission of the word "pedophile" from news articles. That's all news articles and advocacy agencies have to do.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape or sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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