Wednesday, February 21, 2024

"Defend the criminals": The protectors of pedophile hysteria

Pedophiles have many enemies. Most pedophiles think children's rights movements are the enemy. Most pedophiles are pro-child in their stance, but don't trust children's rights movements. However, many people defend pedophiles falsely. These are a group of civil libertarian lawyers known as "defend the criminals". By criminals, they mean "pedophiles", but not the type worth defending.

The core of pedophile hysteria is not the age of consent, which belongs higher than it is now, in my humble opinion. The core of pedophile hysteria is the conflation between pedophilia and criminality. No pedophile deserves defense for past criminal actions, as most with the condition have done nothing wrong to children. This compared to most adults who have to atone for things they did to wrong or abuse a child. Some of us as pedophiles also offended in the form of sexual harassment, but we sure don't want those prior offenses defended. 

"Defend the criminals" is a self-entitlement lobby focusing on adult's rights, claiming that anyone with a narcissist is an adult in the fullest tense, meaning that if you don't have a narcissist attached to you, then you are not really a human being. Most pedophiles test as non-entitled victims, and choose to take the route of non-entitlement by using imagery and smells to avoid children, by tarring the possibility of sex with children with things almost no pedophile finds attractive, such as a child urinating in the bed. I myself use images of Hell to deter me from approaching a young girl for sexual reasons, meaning if I as much as approach a child for sexual or flirtatious reasons, I condemn myself to Hell. From there, the only way out is to about-face in my approach, or seriously atone if I have defiled myself next to a child. I have defiled myself in the past next to a child, with children perceiving my advances and calling me a "creep". God does forgive, but only if you are apologetic in your heart of hearts, which God knows personally. Most pedophiles are not narcissists.

"Defend the criminals" ultimately proposes a "solution" to the sexual abuse epidemic facing this country. Their idea of a "solution" is decriminalizing child sexual abuse, basically making it a fine, meaning minimizing the pain of innocent children to a mere traffic ticket. I don't need that kind of help as a pedophile. All I need is what I already have, which is an in-person support system to talk to. Most pedophiles just need a safe person to get the burden of their intrusive thoughts out onto, with reflective listening done by the other party. What better place to disclose pedophilia than with a therapist.

What, or rather who, is a pedophile? Pedophilia is a primary or exclusive sexual preference for children, usually reflective of autistic immaturity. Pedophilia is a form of sexual immaturity that is age-oriented in nature. Most pedophiles have an autistic specialty in children and children's issue. Most people are generalizers in their approach towards life. An individual with autism specializes in a certain topic, and a pedophile is an individual with autism who specializes in children's issues. A pedophile might memorize facts about children, and would get right along with children. Most individuals with autism do not get along with children, and find them annoying. If someone with autism just "gets along" with children, and it seems to come naturally to them, think pedophile. Most pedophiles with autism have a "rule boy" autistic profile, meaning they live by a set of rules. If they, however, see the rules as not applying to children, think pedophile. Some pedophiles have ADHD or bipolar disorder, and that is what might make a pedophile more high-risk. Most pedophiles are male, with female pedophiles being rare. Most children's rights girls have autopedodphilia, or attraction to pedophiles. 

The argument of "defend the criminals" is that child sexual abuse is an "unavoidable crime". I can avoid it just fine, just by masturbating to sexual thoughts of children. The whole notion of masturbation being this big sin is what is driving the sexual abuse problem in our country. If adults simply sat down - or laid down - and masturbated to sexual thoughts of children, the sexual desires for children would not come out as a narcissist. The more you refuse to masturbate, the further down the belch the sexual desires sit, until they come out onto the child in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I masturbate to sexual thoughts of children, and focus on those fantasies in fact, in order to avoid carrying a narcissist everywhere I go. 

The Greek root word denoting lust and inordinate affections is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. The key to avoiding approaching a child for sexual or flirtatious reasons is to turn the other way, and masturbate once you get home. Most repressed fantasies are animalistic, but once it gets to the surface, the attraction should be easily noticeable, in a connotational manner. 

There is always something you can do to stay out of trouble, and righteous masturbation is the way of using masturbation in order to stay out of trouble, namely by discharging a fantasy about a child. With a child, you have no other choice. "Staying above" simply makes you an even higher risk to children, and yet most men today follow that model.

Nobody "becomes" a pedophile by fantasizing about children. A pedophile is an individual with a form of sexual immaturity, in most cases associated with autism. If you were a pedophile, you'd know it, as most pedophiles are aware of their condition by the time they are around age 16. The realization is one that you are growing up, but your attraction figures aren't growing up with you. Most adults are attracted to a wide range of attraction figure, with the core of their attractions being same-age attractions. A pedophile is stuck in a certain age range/

The camp the children's rights community is currently in is not "defend the criminals". We instead take the stance of "no medical excuse" in pro-pedophile stance. This stance firmly opposes pedophiles using their psychiatric condition as a medical excuse for abuse. If you are simply using the label to self-diagnose or self-advocate, we are here to listen as a community. A pedophile does not need praise or accolades constantly. All a pedophile needs is a listening ear to lean on. A pedophile self-diagnosis is, however, not valid as a defense in a court of law. Even if you go by the insanity definition here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, you have to, at the time of the crime, not know LEGAL right or wrong - not moral right from wrong, but legal. In this state, there is no legal defense for child sexual abuse, and that is a good thing. Because of the limited scope of application of the insanity defense, the legal defense of insanity is rarely tried, and even more rarely is successful. 

Pedophilia is not a medical excuse for abuse. Just look at all the pedophiles who never, throughout their lives, have done nothing sexual towards a child. 3 out of 4 pedophiles have done nothing sexual towards a child. Most pedophiles who do have sexual contact with a child do it as a form of sexual harassment, based off of a fixation on a child. I myself am part of the 1 in 4 that has had sexual contact with a child in the form of flirting, usually following children around like a lost puppy. The police here want such situations resolved civilly, and so I basically imposed lawful abuse on a child, while being the victim of lawful child abuse myself. I do not want what I did to be defended, and I deserve prison for what I did. In most countries, sexual harassment is a criminal offense, and I support sexual harassment being treated as a criminal matter here. Here in Pennsylvania, the police will not arrest you for sexual abuse until you have intent to do harm, with the narcissist being on the screen in ALL CAPS or all lower case.

Most pedophiles do not have a narcissist attached to them. If you have to dig in your belch in order to find a sexual attraction to children, you simply are a flawed human being. A pedophile simply has intrusive thoughts about children. 1-2% of the male population has pedophilia as their disorder of sexual preference, and they, in most cases, pose minimal threat to children. All adults pose some risk to children, but most pedophiles are the last people to hurt children. They usually feel an affinity for children, meaning they are one with children in their identity. A pedophile is marked by making children and children's issues the core of their identity. A pedophile who has the most risk to children is one that insists "I'm cured". That means they are running away from their sexual fantasies about children.

The stigma itself is being perpetuated by criminals, in fact. Most sexual abusers are anti-pedophiles, not pedophiles. An anti-pedophile usually is a parent that accuses other parents of being "pedophiles" in an overzealous and projectory way. Think a strongman for the children, but in a way that opposes all pedophiles everywhere. Usually, someone that calls every parent they see a "pedophile" is the one sexually abusing children. Most anti-pedophile "creep catchers" sit on an ongoing offense towards their "dog daughter". Same with anyone who is actively anti-pedophile. Most people aren't thinking of pedophiles all the time, including most trauma survivors. It is an unpleasant issue. When you yourself are primarily an anti-pedophile outlet here in this movement, we think you have something to hide, and start an investigation from there. An actual pedophile would not operate at such a low level, and instead has an autistic fixation about a specific child, with the fixations coming like train cars, leading to others around them hoping for the caboose. In my case, I think the caboose came, but I am not sure yet. 

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who sexually abuse children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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