Thursday, January 18, 2024

Adult attraction to children: Personal responsibility for adults with attractions to children

Many adults have to deal with it, and are deathly afraid of becoming a pedophile. All adults presumably have sexual attraction in relation to children - and it is perfectly normal. Most people think that the way to deal with adult attraction to children is to repress it. However, the answer is a mixture of righteous avoidance and righteous masturbation. Children self-protect. Adults abstain. Children naturally know how to profile adults, and seek naturally to avoid adults that pose a threat to them. The rest about preventing child sexual abuse is up to individual adults to abstain from sexual abuse, the right way. 

Adult attraction to children comes on a spectrum of severity, but we all have attraction to children as adults, and it is about time we acknowledge that we as adults are born in original sin, and part of that sinful nature is attraction to children. 

Most men are attracted to their own children, as well as other children. 20% of all men are attracted to prepubescent children as a secondary attraction. 1-2% of men are attracted to children primarily, meaning pedophilia. Women can be attracted to children as well, usually teenage boys when they are afraid of adult men due to trauma. Most all women can find teenage boys attractive, whether they acknowledge it or not. 

Don't we all as adults have the responsibility to gauge our own entitlement in relation to children, and acknowledge it by facing our fears, and masturbate to sexual thoughts of their children. If you happen to spend away the attraction, you are not a pedophile. Pedophilia is a condition that is blatantly obvious for the sufferer, in the form of searing, intrusive thoughts that exist on the surface level.

Most child sexual abuse has nothing to do with pedophilia, with pedophiles actually being among the least likely to abuse a child overall. Most child sexual abuse involves secondary sexual needs that went unmet. The child rapist represses their sexual desires, to the point where the sexual desires come out sideways onto the child, like a ton of bricks. 

It is a myth that masturbation to sexual thoughts of children is forbidden in the Bible. The Greek root word translated "lust" or "inordinate affections" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. When first masturbating, expect the searing sexual thoughts to purge, and then be centered. If you are fortunate enough not to be a pedophile, masturbation should eventually spend away the child side of your attractions. But, whenever the feelings resurface, try it again until it is spent away again. Think like a cycle. The idea is to make sure ALL of your sexual needs are met, because otherwise, it might come out sideways.

Search parties are common in child sexual abuse investigations. When that happens, a father thinks the only option for an uncovered attraction is to rape his daughter, using search party juices. The idea is to instead masturbate to sexual thoughts of your daughter, and spend that sexual desire away. It is normal for fathers in particular to see sexual attraction in their daughters especially. This does not give him the right to use his daughter sexually. 

Pedophilia is not what you think it is. Most ordinary adults with attractions to children somewhere down their belt are not pedophiles. A pedophile, by the clinical definition, have "recurrent, intense" sexual desires for children under age 14, amounting to a primary or exclusive sexual preference for younger children. Only a few of us are pedophiles, and I include myself in that pot. A pedophile usually has co-morbid autism or other developmental disorders. Usually, they are the type of individual to have a brain specializing in children. Most pedophiles who have a mental disorder experience their condition not as a narcissist, but as intrusive sexual thoughts. But, since the desires won't go away, the pedophile can simply accept the fact that they will always be attracted to children.

All adults are guilty merely for existing in relation to children, and have committed their share of abuse towards children, and if they haven't, they sure are capable of child abuse. I myself was an obvious abuser, meaning I made my sexual attractions to children obvious, bragging about crushes, and fixating on specific young girls, with the crushes coming like train cars. Everyone must have been waiting for the caboose. The police deem what I did to be lawful abuse, but in my view, I repeated the cycle, which now I am interested in breaking by learning how to deal with children the right way.

Adults all can do their part to end child sexual abuse. All adults are capable of sexual fantasy about children, and have that sexual attraction somewhere down their belt. Adults have an individual responsibility to purge themselves of sexual lusts towards children, meaning that solo masturbation to sexual thoughts of children is normal. There is no moral reason why an adult cannot enjoy sexual fantasy about a child. So, why not indulge in such sexual thoughts. The more you indulge in such fantasies, the easier it gets to deal with them...and then they are all gone, unless you are a pedophile. 

The depraved and decadent, defiled sex offenders who rape and sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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