Monday, January 29, 2024

Abortion: Why abortion benefits men (and harms women)

Abortion is a hot button issue now that Roe v. Wade was overturned. States are now scrambling to pass abortion ban. One notable law in Texas bans abortion and punishes the mother and her doctor for 99 years in prison. Most people in America think abortion benefits women. The fact of the matter is that abortion is bad for women. Most women don't know what an actual abortion procedure entails, otherwise they would not make that forlorn choice.

It says in Exodus 20:13 KJV:
Thou shalt not kill.

The Greek root word denoting murder in the New Testament is φονος (Latin: phonos) and refers to any death or murder, and was interpreted in the Early Church as prohibiting all taking of life, including in the womb. Murder was seen as a damage imposed on all those living. Thus, murder of the unborn child was a damages imposed upon all those anticipating the birth of the baby. The birth of an unborn child was seen then as a big event, usually with presents and gifts abound. But then, the woman got cold feet and got an abortion, and left all those people down. It is hard to imagine that such a seemingly minute damage would mean so much, but even the slightest of damages or offenses were valid then, and childbirth was a huge event that sometimes had to be shut down by the authorities for being too rowdy. The Early Christian culture took the side of children every time. Mothers who got abortions, therefore, were seen as cold and unfeeling.

Abortion is something that, at the end of the day, only benefits men. Take it from a man like me. What does a man want more than anything? Free sex with a woman, meaning sex without consequences. Women who get abortions take away the consequences for sexual relations with women, meaning a man can simply pressure her to get an abortion if he wants out of responsibility, such as fathering a child or paying child support.

When there is no access to abortion, there are consequences for men's promiscuity. The woman simply gets pregnant, and then ties down the man. The two then get married, and then the sexual relations evenly flow from both ends of the marriage.

Abortion harms women because of what it entails. It is a forced miscarriage, usually induced through an abortifacient. Abortifacients didn't grow in the Old Testament context. But, they grew in the New Testament, and were seen as contraband in the Early Christian churches. Most women who get abortions get what we call abortion trauma. Abortion trauma is like losing the child that you never had, and gives new meaning to the "fear of missing out".

I do my part to not lead a woman onto an abortion. It's called keeping it in my pants until my wedding night, when I would re-channel my sexuality from masturbation to sexual relations with my bride. I then would only trust her with my sexual choices, meaning she'd be my favorite fantasy. I probably would masturbate, but also would have a wife to meet my needs when I need her. But, chances are, her needs would be met before mine. I am not inclined to have any sexual relations with someone who is not my wife, as I know my fate for approaching a woman or girl for sexual relations outside of marriage.

The depraved and entitled parents who commit murder in the womb, as well as all who aid and abet, will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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