Monday, December 11, 2023

Adult attraction to children: Why adults are individually responsible for sexual abuse prevention

Many parents blame pedophiles for sexually abusing children. This is a common collective accusation against a group of people. Most pedophiles, however, are victims of crime and abuse, not perpetrators of crime and abuse. The fact of the matter is that every single adult is guilty in relation to children, if only due to their capacity to abuse a child alone.

Child sexual abuse is the easiest of all forms of abuse to prevent. Most adults think the answer is to bash pedophiles. The fact of the matter is that child sexual abuse is easy to prevent, but in a way that everyone must acknowledge responsibility to children, as any old adult could commit the moral crime of childhood sexual assault. The moral crime of child rape is preventable by way of righteous masturbation. 

The Greek root word translated "lust" in the New Testament is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers here not to ordinary sexual desire, but something more gutteral than that. That gutteral lust was understood then as a very strong lust that compelled the man to approach a woman for sexual or flirtatious reasons. The sin line is denoted at the choice to take the first steps to approach a woman other than your wife for sexual or flirtatious reasons. Children should not be approached at all for sexual or flirtatious reasons.

The tradition of righteous masturbation is a long-standing tradition in the Christian church, dating before Christ. Righteous masturbation involved being able to look the look, and then save for later based on how attractive the young girl was that you remember. It is also okay to think the think, meaning explore all of the possibilities that are otherwise forbidden. 

The idea to further deny your desires is aversion imagery. My go-to aversion imagery as a Christian pedophile is the threat of eternity in Hell. I can look the look, and then think the think, but I cannot approach the approach or do the deed outside of a lawfully-ordained marriage between one adult man and one adult woman.

Most child sexual abuse occurs at the repressed level, in sex-negative environments. The adult in question usually represses their sexual desires towards children, to the point of the desires coming out sideways as a form of either rape or sexual assault. Usually, there is a crush that the perpetrator has, but at the painful level, meaning it hurts them even. However, because they repressed their sexual desires, they lost control over them. Usually, a child at home is the first target, so they rape their own child. All of this could have easily been prevented by the adult in question masturbating to their sexual thoughts.

Everyone who has sexual attraction to children under age 18, which is all adults presumably, can simply acknowledge their sexual desires towards children, and follow the sexual thoughts about children to the end using masturbatory fantasy. With most adults, the desires can be spent away, with regular revisiting of the fantasy, and this is because they have the desires as secondary attraction. A pedophile needs even more masturbatory self-care. 

I myself was another form of abuser, meaning I was a permissive abuser. I was, to be specific, a parentifying abuser, where I appointed young girls to be the bigger one in a relationship, idealizing them as a caregiver type. I now know better than to parentify a child. I have to remember that children are extensions of God in the form of being the "least of these". I see children as empowered, with me being disempowered by their rule over me. I will always see children as the bigger one in a relationship, but I can turn that into a relationship where I serve the child, and answer to her court. Under my understanding of God's Law, children are there to order me around, and issue righteous demands, and I must obey the commands of children unless they tell me to do something unworkable or immoral.

I avoid speaking or otherwise interacting with children, unless the child speaks first, and even then, only to the extent that the child will allow. In most cases, it is a child waving to me, in which case I warmly wave back, but don't stay for conversation. Most of the time, the child acts like I'm not there, even as I look at them respectfully. If a child ever invites me to play, I will go along with the child. These formalities were existent in the Early Church, meaning that by default, men in the Early Church were barred from contact even with their own children. The only way a father could have contact with children was to praise and encourage good traits in children, as well as good Christian morals. The first 6 years of a child's life was meant by nature to be spent with mothers, constantly and with sustaining warmth and nourishment. The way I plan to parent is to leave the warmth and close nurturing to the mother of my children, with me stepping in every once and a while to praise and encourage good traits in children that I would like to see. Good traits include things such as patience, self-control, and sharing. When I see a child try these things on their own, I'd praise and encourage those good traits. 

The way righteous avoidance works with a child you are attracted to strongly is to be on formal terms with children. That means the righteous avoidance of children involves holding speaking to children as an infraction, unless the child speaks to you. This is a good rule of thumb especially for fathers who have a parent attraction to their daughters - don't speak to your daughter unless spoken to, and even then, keep it brief. Leave it to the mother to do close nurturing, as only mothers truly know how to nurture a child up close. Fathers nurture to, but from a distance, in a teaching way that praises and encourages good traits in children. For me, speaking to a child that isn't my own is an infraction, meaning if I approach a young girl, the infraction of seeking out a conversation with a child alone becomes part of the offense, and so I should avoid speaking to children regardless of my reasoning, because that is where the excuses I would make start.

We all as adults can pitch in and convict ourselves of our adult guilt. I am a depraved and decadent pedophilic adult who is deserving of nothing but DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing in relation to children and the God that protects them. Aren't we all abusers to children, in some way, in some form? All adults presumably have abused children, in some way, in some form, and if not that, then they surely are at some level of risk towards a child. Not everyone has the same level of risk as an adult, but all adults are at-risk of the worst forms of abuse towards a child.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape and sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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