Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Abortion: Why abortion only benefits men

Many people are pro-life these days. In recent years, we have witnessed Roe v. Wade be overturned. Abortion is a form of child abuse that results in death. There are many reasons to oppose abortion, as it is a useless procedure that happens to have a shady lobby behind it. The fact of the matter is that most women would never get an abortion, and that is due to their intuition telling them that their choice to have an abortion would benefit men.

It says in Exodus 20:13 KJV:
Thou shalt not kill.

The concept of murder is denoted in the New Testament by the Greek root word φονος (Latin: phonos) and, to the people of the time, meant abortion. Most abortions in the Early Church were done by way of drinking tea with abortifacient herbs in it. Usually, the father rushed in with the tea when his daughter was pregnant with his child, as a means to cover up evidence.

Abortion benefits men more than anyone else. Without abortion, men cannot have a woman for free, and have to wait until having sexual relations with a woman until he marries her. If a man does get a woman pregnant out of wedlock, in a post-Roe America, he has to own up to that choice to have sexual relations outside of marriage, which is obvious given the mother's extended stomach.

Abortion can also be an abuser's way of disposing of the evidence of a moral crime, in a medical bag. Pregnancy, in the wrong tense, can be an obvious sign that a woman was raped, in the worst way known to man. Most rape victims want to keep the baby. Abortion is a rare procedure, and usually, abortion is something a woman is pressured into. It takes a lot to want to take your own child's life.

Abortion is a forced miscarriage. Let's be clear about that. When an abortion procedure is performed, the baby always comes out the other end, stillborn. What woman in her right mind would consent to that? That is one of the main things that the abortion industry doesn't want you to know.

An unborn child who is dead inside the womb doesn't need an abortion. They instead need a D&C. If the law doesn't allow for a D&C at all, then I think the state is taking things too far. A D&C is not an abortion under my law, because it simply is vacuuming up dead remains that can lead to an infection. But, abortion itself should be a crime, punishable like we punish ordinary murder currently. I define abortion as murder in the womb. I am okay with all forms of birth control except the morning after pill.

The depraved and entitled women who receive an abortion, and all who aid and abet, will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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