Thursday, November 2, 2023

Why pedophile hysteria is a form of religious child abuse

Many parents' worst fear is their child being sexually abused by a pedophile. However, what happens when your child turns out to be a pedophile? Most parents either deny their child's pedophilia, or else punish and shame the disorder as the sexually shaming parents that they are. Most people who support pedophiles blame children's rights. The fact of the matter is that the children's rights community is now on board with the mental health rights of pedophiles.

What is pedophilia? A pedophile is NOT merely something hidden. It is a hormonal imbalance where there is too much testosterone in the individual's system. That setup is linked to the autistic complex of an extreme male brain. Most pedophilia is the understory of a child-friendly autistic. Whenever you see someone with autism just "click" with children, think pedophilia. An abuser pedophile wants to play with children, but hasn't internalized society's mores concerning dealing with children. Most individuals with autism do not get along with children that well, and are more likely to relate to animals. A pedophile is someone with autism where they have a specialty in children in terms of knowledge or social skills. 

What is the center of pedophile hysteria? The central facet of pedophile hysteria is a form of religious child abuse by sexually shaming parents. Most pedophiles grew up in home and church environments that found masturbatory fantasy about anyone to be sin, let along sexual fantasy about children. Pedophiles were punished merely for masturbatory fantasy about children. Most children can profile for their abuser using instinct alone. Pedophilic children lack the ability to profile their abuser, and need to be taught the basics from parents.

It all comes down to the Greek root word denoting lust, which is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo). This word, when properly translated, refers to sexual entitlement, not mere sexual desire. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. Masturbation is how you fill your own cup to the top, and avoid approaching children due to unmet sexual needs.

Pedophile hysteria is something that is in the atmosphere, but is ultimately guided by the Christian teaching that it is impossible for a pedophile to inherit the Kingdom of God. Most Christians believe there is no way for a pedophile to be saved, because allegedly, their only outlet is also marked as sin. The fact of the matter, however, is that pedophilia, as a concept, is mentioned nowhere in the Bible. In biblical times, a pedophile was a man worthy of praise, either as the ideal family man, or a rescuer of abused children. But, nowhere in the biblical context is sexual abuse of a child condoned. 

This hatred of pedophiles started with the romanization of the Western Christian church. The Roman Catholic Church still prohibits masturbatory fantasies in men. The reason why most Roman Catholic priests rape or sexually assault children is that they are required to repress their sexual drive entirely, in a way that isn't humanly possible. When sexual desire is repressed far down enough, it comes out as rape or sexual assault.

Because parents don't want their children to grow up as pedophiles, they try to beat it out of them, and then maybe rape it out of them. Most child abuse of pedophilic children is committed as a form of sexual shaming abuse, and most of that sexual shaming abuse is lawful under present child abuse definitions. Some cases involve children with pedophilia being groomed by anti-pedophile means, namely by tipping off the wrong police station falsely, usually depicting the child victim as someone else entirely.

This movement supports pedophile rights, under the banner of "no medical excuse" in pro-pedophile tense. The core of pedophile hatred today comes from sexual abusers of children who project their abuser onto an easy target. Thus, calling yourself a pedophile as a medical excuse for abuse makes it that much harder for pedophiles to seek help. 

The depraved and entitled parents who sexually shame their pedophilic children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let the pedophile haters descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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