Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Abortion: Why abortion benefits men (and harms women)

Many adults these days support a woman's "right" to abortion. This is a common attitude amongst progressives and leftists. Most ardent leftists demand the right to abortion. However, who is behind this new-fangled push for abortion rights? Most people think it is women. However, men have a lot to benefit from abortion, and thus abortion should be banned, due to its erasure of consequences for men's sexual promiscuity. 

It says in Exodus 20:13 KJV:

Thou shalt not kill.

The Greek root word translated "murder" in the New Testament, and cross-referencing the Sixth Commandment, is φονος (Latin: phonos) and meant to the context at hand as including a prohibition on abortion. Abortion in the Early Church was committed by drinking abortifacient herbs in an offender's tea. Usually, the daughter of an incestuous father was forced to drink abortifacient tea in order to cover up the evidence that would otherwise be the pregnancy of the child...And that is how most abortion goes today.

Abortion never happened in the Old Testament, and that is because there were no abortifacient herbs growing in Ancient Israel. If they did have such herbs growing in Ancient Israel, they would surely be banned. A mother who wanted to end her pregnancy was seen as cold and unfeeling, meaning not in touch with her intuition like most women then.

Abortion does not benefit women. In every case of abortion, the mother gives birth to a stillborn baby, and usually, she then learns her lesson - stay away from abortion. There is such a thing as abortion trauma, and that alone shows that abortion is a trap for women.

Who does abortion benefit? Men. With abortion in place, men can sleep around and fornicate all they want, and if the woman gets pregnant, she can simply dispose of the consequences. This keeps men afloat with their sinful sexual nature. When women assert that they are pro-life, all of the men go away. Why? Because men do not want to take responsibility for a child borne out of an unplanned pregnancy.

Men have a nasty habit of running away from responsibility. Sexual liaisons always seem to end with the woman being pregnant. If the woman keeps to her pro-life values, the man will have to answer for his promiscuous sexual behavior.

Men often insist on women getting abortions, and that is because, usually, men use abortions to cover up their crimes, moral and/or physical. A rapist might urge his victim to get an abortion to cover up the evidence. A sexually abusive parent might insist on their child victim getting an abortion in order to cover up the evidence. A pregnant belly, out of place, is sure evidence of sexual impropriety.

Most women do not get abortions, according to statistics from abortionists. Why is this? Most women are guided, at least partially, by their intuition, which guides most women away from abortion clinics. Most women sense the danger, but aren't quite there yet in following their intuition. The main block to women following their intuition fully is the desire to be non-judgmental when there is plenty of reason to judge. It takes a cold and unfeeling woman to defend getting an abortion. Most women who have abortions later regret the decision. When that stillborn baby comes out of the womb, the decision to get an abortion surely comes back to haunt women.

The depraved and entitled mothers who murder their child in the womb, as well as all those who aid and abet, will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them forever be cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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