Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The age of consent: Why it should be raised to 18 in Pennsylvania

Many adults are avoidant of the biblical context on parenting because of the age of consent being different in biblical times. In the Early Church, the age of consent was at 13, meaning at the age of majority under Roman law. Most Christians avoid the Hebraic context of the Bible to avoid "being led down the wrong path". The fact of the matter is that the Bible commands a high age of consent. 

Among ancient cultures, Early Christian culture would have been seen as a purity culture, as only legal adults were allowed to have sex, and only with someone close to their age. Children were prohibited under the Law from even having sexual relations with each other. Marriages weren't approved by the state unless there was some major degree of equality in the marriage.

It says in 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 KJV:
Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. 

The Greek root word translated "fornication" is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers here to anything outside of proper channels, as understood in the biblical context. Sex in the Early Church could only happen two ways - solo masturbation or sexual relations within a marriage between one adult man and one adult woman. This word lifts up all of the sex crime statutes in the Law of Moses, and applies those same laws to today.

The age of consent/marriage should be wherever the age of majority is set, without exception. Children should not be having sex at all. In the biblical context, children were forbidden from having sexual relations with others until they got a license to get married. Marriage in the Early Church was only allowed if there was some significant equality between the two marriage applicants. 

The age of majority can be lowered in a future context. But, I don't advocate for lowering the age of majority for my own purposes, as I am a pedophile, and thus my own judgment is clouded by my sexual desires for children. So, in the mean time, I support raising the age of consent to 18. Once attachment parenting is normalized in American society, we can talk about lowering the age of majority - for them, and not for us adults. Most children raised in attachment parenting homes are ready for the world by the time they are 13. All that tells me is that punitive parenting stunts the growth of children. Whatever happens will be, wherever the ages go. Due to my entitlement in the matter, I leave it to other advocates to advocate a lower age of majority.

I find that the current law on the rape and sexual assault of children to be permissive, at best. Rape and sexual assault towards a child should be a perceived offense. As soon as the child uses the word "creep" in relation to an adult, said adult should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for child sexual abuse. Childhood sexual assault is offensive or procuring behavior by an adult towards a child ranging from leering to rape. I have committed sexual assault against children, in the form of sexual harassment. I deserve prison for the antisocial "flirting" that I did to various child victims, and that means the law needs to change so that sex offenders like I was go to prison. 

I also am opposed to the police allowing for "search party affairs". Any parent who develops parent attraction can simply follow their sexual thoughts for their child to the end using masturbatory fantasy as an alternative outlet. Any sexual relations with a child by an adult over age 18 is child sexual abuse in my book, even if the police allow it.

Fornication comes in three main tiers of severity - rape/sexual assault, fraudulent marriage, and obscenity/pornography. All child sexual abuse is rape or sexual assault of a child. Under Christian law, as soon as a child calls me a "creep" as a pedophile, I am guilty of sexually assaulting a child through sexual harassment. The law should conform to these Christian standards, as we are a Christian nation founded on Judeo-Christian values. 

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape or sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descent into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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